The name of this dangerous group of diseases comes from the color of spore clusters that appear on leaves or other plant organs.These fungi can form five distinct types of spores, each with a specialized role.They can have one or two hosts. One of the most common rusts in gardens is pear and Gymnosporangium sabinae juniper rust.
The first visible and characteristic symptom of the disease are large, bright, yellow-orange spots appearing in June on the leaves of the pear, which is the first host of this fungus. Then, on the underside of the leaf blade, convex gray clusters of spores of the fungus are formed at the spot of the spots.
Sometimes, especially on susceptible cultivars, symptoms of the disease may appear on petioles and fruits.Infected leaves fall.In juniper, the disease manifests itself as swelling on the shoots. To prevent rust, do not plant pear and juniper close to each other (minimum 500 meters distance).
If the severity of the disease increases, spray the pears with the same preparations as in the case of pear scab. Symptoms of Cumminsiella mirabilissima mahogany rust can be seen on the leaves from spring.Bright discoloration appears, followed by yellow, rusty and purple stains.
On the underside of the leaf, within the spots, first orange, then rusty and brown raised papillae appear, which are the fruiting bodies of the fungus. The fungus hibernates on mahogany plants.Remove the infected shoots and burn them.
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When the first symptoms appear, the bushes should be sprayed with anti-fungal preparations.Rusts can also be found on wild plants. One such example is Melampsora spp rust. On the underside of the lamina we can find yellow-orange spore clusters.