Some vegetables are harvested only inmonths winterRipe for harvesting is e.g.Brussels sproutsand kale. The first one tolerates even 10-degree frosts, but you have to remember that under the influence of large temperature differences between day and night, the qualityof fruit deterioratesHence, it is worth collecting and freezing the florets as soon as possible. Even lessdemanding is kaleThe tastiest varieties include, among others 'Lerchenzungen' and 'Halbhoher Gruener Krauser'.Both grow short and require nofrost protection
Dębik Sündermanna Dryas x suendermanii from the rose family is a dwarf shrub that creates dense, compact carpets, 5 cm high. The leaves, mostly evergreen, are elliptical, up to 4 cm long,coarse corrugated ,leathery , withon top dark greenandshinyand thick on the bottomsilvery mossyIn May, June, short (10 cm) covered withbrown hair on the stems , creamy-white flowers are formed, 3 cm in diameter. After their fading,decorative fluffy seed heads
Dębikis a ground cover plant that grows well in sunny places onhumus-gravel ground ,limestone (or loamy-sandy soil). It is frost-resistant, but in the absence of snow and severe frost, oak leaves may dry out.That is why it is advisable to wear a light, airy cover. This plant is recommended for rock gardens and slopes.
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Dębik Dryas (Photo: |
RuniankaJapanesePachysandra terminalis from the boxwood family is a shrub that grows up to 10-20 cm tall. Perfectly grows with underground runners, creates spectacular covers onpositions semi-shadedandshadowedThe plant has single, ovate leaves , dark green on top,clustered at the tops of the shootsWhite flowers develop in April and May. Runianka sometimes bears fruit; herwhite ,glassy ,size peafruitslook interesting in autumn. This perennial likesfertileandmoist soil Easily reproduces bycuttingsanddivisionDeserves wider use.
Araucaria is the most popular as a houseplant among about 20 species of araucariawasAraucaria heterophylla, growing to a height of 50 m. Beautiful habit and lace needles make it very presentable. She used to be often kept in large andcold rooms , heated only on weekends. Currently, it is less common, because it grows in warm and dryheated roomsin winter it requires a temperature of 5-10° C and modest watering.
Although it likes acidic soils (pH 4-5), it does quite well in substrates withhigherreactionGrows best in full sun . Araucaria in nature is found only onisland Norfolk , from where the seeds are imported, from which it is producedyoungtrees
Seeds must be sown quickly, at least 10 days after harvesting, as they lose their ability to germinate rapidlyabilitygerminationAraucaria can also be propagated vegetatively by shoot cuttings. However, also with this method we will face difficulties, because seedlings can betaken only from the topOnly such seedlings will give plants withdesirable ,regular like
The holly genus is represented by approximately 400 species of plants found insphere earth holly is grown in gardensspikyIlex aquifolium orholly MeservyIlex x meserveae. They are always green shrubs with hardleathery leaves ,dark greenon top,intensely shinyLeaves can be of various shapes, often with a wavy edge with spiky teeth.Holly bushes areplants dioecious : inconspicuous flowers, 2-3 in the leaf axils, develop inMay ,Juneandnice smells
The ornament isspherical fruit , ripening red, orange or yellow in September and remaining on the shrubs throughout the winter. The fruit contrasts beautifully with the leaves.Twigs Hollywith fruit are used in various types of bouquet compositions. InEurope Westernand inEnglandhollys are the traditionalChristmas decoration