Inwinter gardenreignpeaceandsilence There is little work to do, and a walk through the flower beds boils down to keeping the farm tidy. On frost-free days we can startbleaching trunksandpruning trees fruitThere are still winter vegetables left in the vegetable garden. For the current needs, collect kale leaves in the beds,floretsBrussels sprouts, dig outwinter varieties leekIn a cool greenhouse they wait for their next tasty and he althyleaves lamb's lettuceand othersalad winter vegetables
Winter is a difficult time for plants. The degree of plant resistance to frost depends onspeciesandvarietyIn most plants, frost resistance changes throughout the year, because as autumn days pass, they prepare physiologically toperiod frostHardening of plants is primarilyeverything on accumulating sugars , which protect proteins from denaturation and cells from water loss.low nitrogen availability
High frost resistancedoes not guarantee that plants will survive the winter. In ourconditions of wintercharacterized by high variability, periodsstrong frost alternate with violent thaws. Higher temperature causesan increase in intensity breathing , and thus a faster loss of sugars accumulated before winter.That is why our winters are often not experienced by trees, which in Siberia can even cope withseveral dozen-degree frosts
To reduce the risk of freezing, trees and shrubs lose their leaves, and herbaceous plants "go underground" - overwinter in the form oforgans granary( carp ,rhizomesandroots ) hidden undersoil surfaceMany perennials need to be helped to survive the winter by covering them after the onset of frost. It is worth covering young plants, e.g. plantedin autumnperennials andplants biennial
Loss of vitality
If ourfavorite plant pottedis clearly wasting away, it is necessary to change the place, because the scarcity light isthe reason for losing vitalityWeakened plants should be watered very carefully, because in this stateexcess moisture can harm them
When the leaves lose their color …
At this time of yearcolorful plants pottedoften becomeintensely green , thus adjusting to the reduced amount of light. To make unfavorable changesless visible , specimens with colorful leaves should be placed inof the brightestplaces inroom
We extend the life of poinsettias
In order for the star of Bethlehem, popular during the Christmas periodChristmas , to enjoy our view for a long time, we must follow a fewbasic recommendations careFirst of all, the poinsettias should be placed onwindow sill(if it stands away from the window for too long,sheds colorful flowers ). Keep the soil in the pot slightly moist (excess water causes the roots to rot!).Stems cut into a vase will last for about 2 weeks, if their ends are briefly placed inhot water
Seeds of most vegetables and herbs will germinate for 2-4 years if kept incool ,dry conditionsIf conditions storage times do not match or the storage time of the seed material is longer, it is worthcheck quality seedsIf the seed material is coarse-grained, the test is performed on approx. 10 seeds, iffine-grained- on 25-50. Plant large seeds in litter boxes withgarden soil , small seeds - scatter between two layers of paper towel. The substrate must be constantly moist. If at least 70% of seedlings emerge, seedscan be still use
Apple scab was and is one of themost dangerousdiseasesappleTo fight it, you needhuge outlays andeffortGrowers in Poland performseveral treatments chemical treatments every yearIn home gardens, where we do not care aboutperfect fruit quality , a few treatments are often enough. However, if we do not have the conditions forto perform sprayingor we want to obtain fruit produced without any chemicals, we have two options. The first is to plant varieties that are most tolerant of the funguscausing scab apple
For example,popular tastyand not very sensitive varieties include: 'Szampion', 'Jonagold', 'Pinova' and 'Antonówka'. In dry years, unfavorable for the development of the disease, these varieties do notrequire treatments protectiveto obtain good quality fruit In wet years, small scab spots sometimes appear, so apples cana little worse look , but usually not this is a problem. But we are sure that such fruits certainly do not contain residues ofchemicals chemical
If we have not coveredplants for winter , it can be done in January. It is especially important to protectfreshly planted plantsand larger and older species sensitive tolow temperaturesanddrying winds.Cover small bushes with fir and larger bushes with paper mulch corrugated, netting used in nursery forshadingandnonwovensThese covers protect plants fromcold dryanddrying windsin the period when the soil is frozen and plants cannot take up water.Foil made ofplastic plasticis not suitable for winter protection.