Mosquitoes hatch inshallow , calmwater , e.g. in a rainwater tank, garden pond or even a longer-lasting puddle. In summer, the period of full development from egg to larva to mature insecttakes about 3 daysTo avoid mosquito infestation, try to prevent females from laying eggs. All rainwater tanks should be carefullycoveredThe covers and bases in which water is collected should be emptied immediately after rain. Mosquito larvae are food for fish and predatory aquatic insects in a garden pond.
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We can protect ourselves against mosquitoes with preparations insprayor by placing fragrant plants in the rest corner, such aseucalyptus ,aloizjaandgeraniumswith a lemon or clove scent. We can also buy deterrent candles. Special ointments soothe skin irritations and prevent inflammation after stinging.
Beautifulflowers beddingwe can now admire not only in the garden, but also at home, if we put them in a vase. Removing flower shoots stimulates plants to sprout new ones, so we can cut them without fear. This is best done early in the morning whenstemsare filled with water.The flowers should be half-open. Cut the shoots diagonally and put them in the water immediately. Then we can arrange the bouquet in peace, without worrying about the durability of the flowers. If we want to set up a specialdiscount with plantsfor a cut flower, do not forget that it should include also place forgipsówkiandgrass ornamental
In natural conditions, the olive forms a very loose crown. Only as a result of regular pruning do the shoots start to branch out. From numerous observations it appears that the annual cut inMarchis usually not enough. Shoots should also be pruned in summer. When cutting, young shoots should be shortened by about half, placing the pruning shears just above a pair of leaves. As a result, two new shoots are obtained; shortening each of them contributes to further thickening of the crown.
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Ifthe treebears fruit, the shoots are pruned after harvesting, possibly shortening the fruiting shoots. Utreeswhose crown is mounted on one straight main shoot, allshoots sideare also removed below the crown. Potted olive trees are fed twice a month. Before we reach for the watering can again, the soil must dry a bit.
Vitis vinifera shoots and seed heads have grown significantly in recent weeks. In order for the fruit to ripen well, shootsneed shortenCut the twigs at the height of 3-5. the leaf after the last set of fruit. Iffruitsare shaded, some leaves need to be removed because the grapes are sweeter the more sun they getsun
Weak fruitingzucchini ,cucumbers ,of pumpkinormelonscould have several causes. The listed vegetables form male and female flowers. When there are few female flowers, the yield is also meager. Hence, especially in the case of cucumbers, one should choose female varieties, e.g. 'Picador' and 'Euphya'. This, however, does not solve all the problems, because pollinating insects rarely spawn in rain and hot weather. Therefore, sometimes flowers have to be pollinated by hand ( with a brush ). Very dry air also makes it difficult to dustpeppers