Practical Gardener: hardworking February

Decorative garden: the secret of lush flowering shrubs

Pruning shootsstimulates shrubs to grow stronger and develop profuselyflowers in springorsummerWe only prune the species for which this procedure is used. For many ornamental shrubs it is unnecessary and often does more harm than help. We distinguishtwo periods cutsShrubs developingflowers in springiearly summerwe cut after flowering. They formbuds flower budson last year's shoots ( forsythia ,currant , bush, early tawuła).Every 2 or 3 years, after flowering, we cut out a few of the oldest, highly branched shoots.Shrubs flowering in summersprout strong shoots after a strong pruning.

Before resuming vegetation, already in February, allshoots floweringin the previous yearcut as short as possible These bushes form flower buds on this year's shoots (budleja,hibiscus ,tawuła Japanese ). Shrubs that have not been cut for years will be restored to a good condition by a rejuvenating cut. All shoots are cutweak ,bad growingand the restto a height of 30 -50 cm

Under glass: we start growing tomatoes

If we have at least asmall heated greenhouse , we can sow tomatoes in February. For seedlings to develop well until April, when it's time to plantplanting , they should be warm - we need to keep them at a constant temperature (at least 22 ° C).Secondly:young tomatoesa place that is as bright as possible, but notdirectly exposed to sunlight

Seeds are sown into flat litter boxes with a drain, filled withfresh unfertilized soilfor plant propagation . When the seedlings develop the firsttwo pairs leaves , we transplant them one at a time into the pots. Keep them at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. After 4-5 weeks, we feed the plants with fertilizer with an increasedcontent potassiumandphosphorusTomatoes will need more nitrogen onlyat the beginning of flowering

Balconies and terraces: maintenance in February

We check the covers

Mats that we attached a few months ago to the pots to protect plants fromfrostandsevere sun, they can bedestroyed by rain , wind or animals. You have to check them and ifneed fix

Normal humidity

Cuttings (woody), slips, tubers and other partsplants stored in winterw cool rooms must not dry out. Therefore, the sand boxes in which they are kept are moistenedwith sprinkler waterorwatering cansThe optimal storage conditions are at the air humidity of 60-70%.

Flowering bulbs must stay at home

Hyacinths, tulips and narcissi with unfolded, open flowers, offered incl. in supermarkets, they are grown in greenhouse conditions and are suitable only for residential cultivation. They are frost-resistant plants, but they cannot withstand severe drops in temperature without acclimatization, and as long as the frost persists outside, they should stay at home.

Snow insulation

For potted plants wintering infree airfresh snow is naturalinsulationthermal Nevertheless, we have to shake off the snow from the evergreen shrubs,before zlodowaciejeanddistorting crown

Orchard: Tasty fruit and beautiful flowers

Dogwood is known both as an ornamental plant (it blooms yellow before the appearance offlowers forsythia),and useful. Sweet and sour cherries contain a lot of vitamin C and are perfect for compote, preserves and juice. The fruits of the newvarieties garden , such as 'Cornella' and 'Jolico', are definitely larger and fleshier thanfruitforms wildPlants are planted fromlate autumntobeginning March

Dogwood is not demanding in terms ofin terms of soil conditions soil conditions , in sunny places the fruits ripen underend July , in a luminous shade - from mid-August. The shrubs reach a height of 4 m and can be trimmed, so they are also suitable forsmaller gardens

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