Fallen leaves are often a nuisance by-product for gardeners, while for many plantsthey are real a boon Spread loosely between plants, protect soil and roots from frost. However, you should not overdo the amount of leaves. It is enough to sprinkle a layer of leaves 5-8 cm thick on the bed.
During the winter monthsthe thickness of the litterwill decrease slightly due to moisture. Ideally, the leaves should only cover the ground between the shoots.It does not matter when single ones are on drying perennials, but you should avoidmounds with them plantsLeaf mulch will turn into humus by spring, improving the soil structure .
Leavesnot you should mulch the rockery . They store too much moisture, which can rotting those who like dry soilplants ground cover .
Also, bedding roses should not bemounded with leaves , but with garden soil. It will protect sensitive vaccination sites fromstronger frost .
Dense, thornyshrubs barberrycan grow singly, in mixed rows with other shrubs, as well as create a formed hedge. Particularly attractive is Thunberg's barberry Berberis thunbergii, whose leaves are red-orange in autumn.The 'Atropurpurea Nana' variety grows up to 60 cm and has red-purple leaves.
Undemanding shrubs grow well in any soil inplaces sunnyandsemi-shady . They bloom yellow in May, and at the end of summer are decorated with red decorative fruits. Fruitbarberrycommon fruit is rich in vitamin C.
Large groupspecies balconyis fromnature perennial Wintering such plants is profitable, however, when the next year they bloom as abundantly as the year before. In the case of pelargonium and fuchsia, we can be sure. Flowering is also renewed by surfinas and snags, although a bit later thancultivars sprung in greenhouse
Pelargonie Pelargonium (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
Shoots of plants for wintering are shortened to a length of 20 cm, then the plants are placed in a bright room with a temperature of 5 to 12 ° C. The substrate should bemoderately moist , but not wet. Since April, we temper the plants by exposing them to the open air during the day. We put the plants on the balcony from May.
We wet the earth
Winter palm treesdo not like moisture that accumulates at the base of leaves, so we do not water them from above, but sprinkle the soil around the plant. Moisture can cause young leaves to rot and even the entire palm to die.
We remove the moss
After a few years onpotsorbrancheson whichbromeliadsappear stainsmossilichens . From time to time, they should be carefully removed.
We accelerate flowering
Exotic streams kept in a warm room will sprout flower shoots even in December. In a cool greenhousebloom only springPlants grown from seeds only have their first flowers after 7-10 years. It is best to breedstrelicjeby dividingcarp rootof the older specimen.
Sow rocket
Coming from Italy, arugula, depending on the temperature, produces tasty leaves on the salad 3-8 weeks after sowing.Seedsare placed at a depth of 1 cm in rows every 15 cm.
Winter apples must be picked very carefully, as only he althy, uninjured fruit are suitable forlong storage(until spring). The ideal storage conditions are in the temperature range from 2 to 5 ° C and air humidity above 60%. Fruitshould be kept either inwooden racks , or inflat-bottomed cratesThen it is easier to detect damaged fruit.
Winter pearspears should be harvested only at the beginning of November, provided that the temperature does not drop below zero during the day or night. In the last weeks of the ripening period, the sugar content in the fruit increases significantly, the fruit also acquires adistinct aromaAutumn pears can be stored for about 3 weeks. The 'Madame Verte' variety is good to eat only in December.