Practical Gardener: gardens, balconies and terraces in autumn

Even the most beautiful summer comes to an end, and with it the season for a pot garden. Most of theplantsgrown in containers must be moved to the quarters in time. Forplantstropical , such ashibiscus , even temperatures below 10 ° C are too low.

Plants Mediterranean , like oleander,figorlaurel , tolerate lightfrostsand in mild weather they can stay outside even until the beginning of winter. It is worth noting that light frosts not only do not harm them, but even harden them, making them more resistant todiseasesandpests

Decorative garden

We plant bulbs and tubers

October is the last month of planting into the groundbulbstulips,hyacinths ,sapphires ,kosaćców ,iksji ,garlicandbulw crocusesWith the onset of frost, when the soil is slightly frosty, beds with lilies,hyacinthsandnarcissuscover with a layer of straw, dry leaves , shredded bark or straw manure.

We sow seeds of annual plants

This month you can sow the seeds of such species as:smagliczka seaside , marigold,cornflower cornflower , wolfpurple . Thanks to this, the plants will start vegetation earlier in spring and bloom faster.

We buy and plant roses

The soil for growing roses should be loosened to a depth of 60 cm and mixed with wellcomposted manureorcompost Before planting, shorten the roots of the roses to a length of 20 - 25 cm and soak them in water with the addition offungicidesThe bushes should be planted to such a depth that after trampling the ground and watering abundantly, placebuddingwas flush with the ground or 2-3 cm below the ground. The advantage of planting shrubs in autumn is their easier and better rooting than in spring.

Balconies and terraces

We move plants indoors

We carefully observe the weather. In case of danger of frost, we move plants sensitive to frost, such asgeraniums ,silvering shrubby , fuchsia ,oleanders ,myrtles , citrus trees etc. for rooms where they spend the winter. Depending on the species, the temperature in these rooms should be 5-12°C.Plants that lose their leaves for the winter may winter in the dark, but species with always green leaves requirelighteven when dormant.

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Oleander (Zdj .:

We protect the tubers and rhizomes

Before the onset of frosts, removebleached plantstuberous begonia and bead.Tubersandrhizomesdig it out, clean it from the soil and dry it. For the winter, we move them to a room with a temperature of around 8°C and storecoveredwith peator with sawdustPlanted in spring, they will sprout new shoots.

We remove faded inflorescences

We keep removing the fadingflowersorinflorescences . From some, e.g. interesting varietieslobelia , marigolds or climbing plants, we collect seeds, from which in the springby ourselves we will produce seedling .

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