More about the plant below:
Posłonek (Helianthemum)
category : shrubs
position : sun
height : 20-30 cm
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : neutral, slightly alkaline
preferences soil : fertile, well-drained, sandy loam
watering : medium
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : white, pink, red, orange, yellow
shape : cushy
period flowering : May-July
seeding : spring
reproduction:tip cuttings, sowing
persistence leaves : evergreen
application : flower beds, rockeries, walls, balconies, terraces
pace of growth : fast
Posłonek - silhouettePosłonek - developmental featuresPost for the postpartumThe mycelium reproductionPosłonek - careAfterglow - applicationAdvicePosłonki are small, carpet-growing shrubs and shrubs. In Europe, the Mediterranean and Middle Asia there are about 80 species of this filigree plant.In garden cultivation, hybrid varieties, obtained from the crossing of the red and the Apennine sunflower, are of great importance.
Depending on the variety or species, flowers appear from May to October, bloom yellow, purple, red, pink.They only last half a day, but nevertheless sun rays regularly they are releasing lots of new flowers.
The semi-shrub forms 15-20 cm tall cushions, it has glossy or gray-green leaves that are only shed during extremely cold winters.
Posłonki like the southern exhibition, they do well on sunny slopes on moderately dry, permeable, sterile and calcareous ground.Plants do not tolerate moist soil.
Plants can be propagated from tip cuttings collected in summer and then planted in pots.The seedlings are placed in a slightly shaded place and the substrate is kept constantly moist.The seedlings take root before autumn and can be planted into the ground.
After the main flowering, the plants are shortened by a third, then they bloom again. Cutting improves frost resistance.If the substrate is frozen for a long time and the sun burns a lot, the plants may dry out.That is why we cover them with bedding.
For edges of flower beds, for rock gardens for discounts.
Posłonek can also be grown in pots.Then, however, the containers must have good drainage.