PiO: problems with fruiting trees

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P:I have a beautiful lemon, but for some time its leaves have been turning yellow and falling off. What could be the cause of such disturbing behavior of the plant?

O:Citrus plants react strongly toautumnandwinterconditions in our homes. The air is dry, there is little light, and the rooms are not ventilated. In such conditions, plants are attacked by pests, which at first are imperceptible to our eyes, but the bush is already reacting, its leaves turn yellow, appearbrown shieldsorcobwebwith tiny spiders, or spider mites.Fallen leaves must be discarded. If there are few discs, they can be removeddampened clothwith the addition of washing-up liquid (teaspoon per liter) or denatured alcohol (4 tablespoons per liter), then rinse the plant thoroughly with clean water. We also useActellic 50 ECwith the addition ofSandovituor dishwashing liquid.

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Spray lemon on the spider mites, using several preparations alternately:Magus 200 SC ,Nissorun 050 EC ,Polysect 003 ECiKarate Zeon 050 CSIf the plant has left a lot of leaves, trim it. A container with water should be placed next to the pot, it will ensureplantmoisturein the air. At the turn of April and May, it would be good to take it outside, e.g.nabalconyIn the air, it will make up for the losses in development caused by pests faster.The sickplantsmust be taken care of with particular care, remember to systematically water, sprinkle and fertilize. With a strong invasion, unfortunately, the plant can be written off.

P:My peach suffers from frizz and scab every year. I spray the tree, but it doesn't help. Maybe I am using the wrong preparation or I use it unskillfully? So I am asking for an answer, when and with what should I spray, to finally be effective?

O:Peach leaf curl is combated by spraying the trees in the autumn-winter period (at a temperature of + 6 ° C) from the leaf fall to theswelling phase of budsOne or two treatments can be performed to destroymold wintering fungusSpraying with preparationsSyllit 0.5-0.6% ,Delan 0.1-0.15% iMiedzian 1% The last preparation should not be used just before the buds swell, as it may damage them.

As for the peach scab, it is fought after noticing the first symptoms on the fruit. For spraying, useKaptan 0.2%orTopsin M 0.1%The mycelium hibernates in infected dead shoots, therefore in spring it is necessary to shoot cut these out.

Q:What should be done, especially now, in autumn, with strawberries grown in pots?

O:Long-stemmed strawberries repeated fruitingcreate fruitalso on young shoots. They can be led on supports, obtaining a "climbing" or hanging form. In autumn, aftertrimming roots ,flowerpotscan be pitched orstored on balcony , protecting it and the above-ground parts of plants against frost.

You can also put them incold ,light rooms , such as garages or stairwells . Please note that plants must go through a period of dormancy, so these rooms should not be too warm, as plants may even bloom in winter, which will lead to their weakening.

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