P:My terrace overlooks a huge old house that I would like to cover with plants. The width between the fence and the building is 20 m. Which species would be the best?
O:Close to the fence, you can quite densely plant both tall and wide deciduous shrubs (e.g. hazel, barley, peru wood, bush, dogwood, cherry plum). they will quickly overgrow the fence.After the leaves have fallen, dense shoots will still be a tight cover.
Further away from the fence, we can plant tall deciduous and coniferous trees (tall trees cannot be planted next to the fence, because the neighbors may have a grudge).It is worth investing in and buying larger seedlings.With time their crowns will expand and cover the entire mountain of the neighboring house.
Smaller shrubs, such as Japanese tavulas, cinquefoil, and garden hydrangeas, should grow closer to the windows of the house.Before we decide to buy plants, and then plant them, it is worth considering the whole thing carefully and planning on the drawing, so as to create a nice composition both in terms of color and functionality.
Then you just have to be patient and wait for the results of our work.
P:My Korean fir makes beautiful cones and sprinkles seeds in autumn. Can you reproduce it by sowing?
O:Korean fir can be propagated from seeds, but at home it is difficult to obtain the environmental parameters needed to obtain he althy seedlings.
The seeds are harvested in September-October and stored until May next year in a dry and ventilated place with a humidity of 25%.Before sowing, the seeds are soaked overnight in water at a temperature of approx. 20˚C with water change every 6 hours, then spraying or bathing the seeds in a fungicide.
12 secrets of a quick garden arrangement
The seeds are then cold stratified for 1-2 weeks, i.e. kept at 0-5˚C in clean (toasted) and moist sand (or sand mixed with peat in a 1: 1 ratio) .Seeds mixed with the substrate should not touch each other.After the appearance of the first sprouts, the seeds are sown into the ground.