Q:How to grow an avocado from a stone?
O:Taken fromfruit stoneit is worth placing it in the Biochos solution for 20 minutes, Biosept or chemicalfungicide(e.g. Kaptan, Topsin, Dithane). This will prevent fungal diseases (manifested in the form of black spots). Then, the wider part of the pit is placed in the soil mixed with peat and sand to a depth of 1 centimeter.
Substratemoderately water When the stone begins to split in half, it is a sign that a root is forming and a delicate shoot will soon emerge. The pot should then be placed in a place that is not very sunny, e.g. ateastern windowWhen the plant is approx. 15 cm tall, leaves appear on its top.
Semen can also be placed in a small vessel in the water so that it rests against its sides , or in a larger vesselsuspendedna gauzeThe most important thing is that the bottom of the seed is immersed in water by 1 cm. When it starts to sprout, it should be planted into the ground. Do not tear off the halves of the seed because they nourish the plant.
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Awokado (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
Avocados require a lot ofmoisture in the air , especially in the first few months.If the avocado losesleaves(e.g. as a result of drying) or becomes too bumpy, after trimming the top it turns nice againgreenThe plant should be watered with stagnant water. The stand should be bright and warm, and the air should be moist.
P:I have a three-year-old diphenbachia 3.70 m high. Currently, it has almost one meter long roots. What should I do with it? I feel sorry to cut her up. In February of the year my difrenbachia bloomed. I was surprised because I learned from professional literature that it does not bloom at home.
O:Unfortunately, difenbachia is quite a large plant and we can't help it. When it begins to exceed the possibilities ofcubature apartments , the same problem always appears (especially when the plant ishe althyandhandsome ). What to do? There is no other option than, if possible, to return it where it can continue to grow or to cut it offendshootwith the last leaves and root in a mixture ofpeatandsandor in water.
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Difenbachia (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
You can also cut the whole shoot into small sections containing one leaf scar. Brush the cut places withherbaceous plantand leave it overnight to letdryThen placecuttings with a scarup in a substrate of peat and sand and keep them at constant humidity. We cover the wholewith foil,airing the seedling from time to time. Whenfirst leaves appear,transplant the plant intoappropriate pots.
If the diphenbachia has suckers, the mother plant can be cut off at the base, leaving her "babies" intact.Dieffenbachiacontains poisonous juice that should not get into the mouth, eyes, nose or invisible skin scratches on the hands, as it can cause unpleasant inflammation. When working withcutting shootswear protective gloves and be especially careful.