P:Yucca in my garden bloom very poorly. What could it depend on?
O:Garden yucca grows best inwarmandgood in direct sunlightThe substrate should be permeable, slightly acidic, and not too damp. FromApriltoend Junesupplement yucca 2- or 3 timeswith mixtures corresponding fertilizer
Besides, yucca is not completely frost-resistantand it happens that its flower buds freeze. Very dangerouswater is left in the leaf rosette,especially in winter , causing rotting flower buds. Therefore, in autumn, it is worth tying up all the leaves and sprinkling them with bark up to 1/3 of their height.
Q:Can a laurel tree and an olive be hibernated outside?
O:These species come from theBasin Sea Mediterraneanand in our climate they cannot spend the winter outside. Olive tolerates only light frosts and in winter it should be taken toroom frost-freewith a temperature of 2-10˚C. In the dark it will lose its leaves.
The laurel tolerates frost down to -10˚C, but it cannot be left outside for the whole winter. It can stand in a room with a temperature of 0-6˚C. During wintering insuch plant conditionsshould be watered rather sparingly.The higher theroom temperature , the higher themore watering
P:What conifers to plant near the concrete fence so that they can reach a maximum of 2 meters in height? There is poor soil in my garden in front of the house on the south side. What trees and ornamental shrubs could I plant there?
O:For a hedge of coniferous shrubs on sandy soil, junipers in columnar or conical forms are suitable, e.g.juniperChinese'Stricta',juniper common'Gold Cone' or 'Hibernica'.
A very beautiful shrub with red leaves is' Royal Purple ', which is additionally decorated with fluffy inflorescences since Junebladder kalinolistna ' Diabolo 'mared leavesand blooms inJune white-pinkflowers gathered in bunches, its variety 'Luteus' has yellow leaves, while barberry has variegated leavesThunberg'Kelleriis' - blooms yellow in May.