P:I have a problem - there is a cherry growing in my garden which has a beautiful crown, but clearly something is wrong with the trunk. What could I do to extend her life?
O:Cherries ,cherries ,peaches andapricotsare particularly susceptible to bacterial disease -cancer bacterialfruit trees.Infectionoccurs through buds and flowers or wounds on shoots or trunk, even small ones, such as those that occur after leaves fall.necrotic stainsdevelop, then the bark cracks, thickens and the characteristic leakage of "rubber" appears.Above these wounds, shoots often die.Fighting disease diseaseis difficult because bacteria hibernate not only on the surface of the shoots, but also in the cortex. Infected shoots should be cut below the site of infection, and the resulting wounds should be protected withpastes with protective pastes Cut shootsshould be burned immediately and the tools used should be disinfected (e.g. with denatured alcohol).
Trees should be sprayed during the period of bud swelling,floweringand at the beginning and at the end of leaf fall with copper preparations (eg Miedzian 50 WP / WG, Miedzian Ekstra 350 SC).Sprayingthis is repeated every year. Cleaning the wounds themselves only slightly reduces the source of infection.Bacteriaquickly multiply inside vascular clusters of shoots. Unfortunately, there are no measures that could effectively destroy them there. If there are other,he althy trees fruit , they should be sprayed prophylactically.
Q:What varieties of garlic can I plant in the fall?
O:In autumn you can plant varieties that produce inflorescences and include: ' Mega ' and ' Orlik'- medium late varieties,'Orkan'and'Arkus'- medium early varieties,'Zawrat'i'Harnaś'- early varieties. The best planting date for these varieties is mid-September to mid-October. It is good to mulch the crop in order to protect it from frost. During vegetation, when it is not planned to obtainair bulbsair bulbs for use orplantings , it is worth removing the emergingshoots inflorescenceThis treatment will allow you to obtain a higher yield of heads. Harvestof winter garlic of winteris scheduled for July. The maturity of winter garlic is recognized by its yellowing and drying leaves. This garlicnot collapses shoots , so that next year's planting can be done by bursting them.