These plants are unmatched among other bulbous plants when it comes to theirsmellandbeautyInflorescences haveintense the colorsandgrow upeven up to 10 cm tall and the smell is sostrong , that hyacinthsshould not be in the bedroom
The first blooming hyacinths appear inJanuaryTo enjoy them as long as possible, choosespecimens with undeveloped buds- the inflorescence should begood educated , at least 3-4 cm long.Bulbs are not as sensitive tolow temperatureslikeflowers home , but by moving them fromflorist to apartment , let's make sure that they are not damaged by frost -wrap them thick with paper.
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Flowers hiacynty zoło (Photo: |
Find them at homecool flatIt's best to choose a place away from the radiator, because warm air makeshyacinthswill fade faster. Let's also remember about sufficientamount light sunnyBulbs positioned far from the windowexcessivelythey will pull out shootsand after a few days their leaves, instead of standing stiffly in the pot, will fall to the sides.Water the flowers every 2-3 days so that the soil islightly moistThere is no need to fertilize them.
Faded hyacinthsis usually thrown away. They have already used most of the substances collected in the bulbs and grown in potswill not bloom next yearWe can extend their life by planting them in the ground in autumn. For now, however, in order not to weakenbulbs by tying seeds , remove the faded inflorescences. We leave all the leaves until they dry themselves. Before this happens, let's make sure that the soil in the pot isslightly moistand start feeding the flowers with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every week. After 6-8 weekswe reduce wateringandwe stop fertilization
Whenhyacinthslose their leaves, take the bulbs out of the pot,clean themthem andstore themw dry ventilated place until fall.At the turn ofSeptemberandOctoberwe plant them in the bed with other bulbs. The substrate should bepermeableandrich humus
Rushinghyacinths , which is a way of growing that forces them to flower earlier, contrary to appearances, is not difficult. It is enough in September to select a fewhandsome bulbsand plant them infresh soil in potsNow the bulbs should go through a few weeks a period of low temperatures that will allow themto develop handsome inflorescencesIf the container is to be left outdoors during this time, it must be protected against frost.
The pot can be coveredpolystyreneorpock it in the groundcover the hollow with dry leaves, put a piece of jute on it (it must protrude above the surface soil) and only then place the container with the bulbs in the center, thenlightly ground(3- 4 cm) and wellcover stroiszem Thanks to this, we can easily get the pot out of the ground, even when frost tightens the ground. In December, place the pot incool roomandcover with a hood made of thick cardboardWater the flowers every few days, and when their leaves are approx. 5-6 cm, remove the cap and movethe pot to warmer( 15-20°C) andbright place
The hyacinths are rushed in a slightly different way and then placed inglassware pots with water In September, the onions go to thefridge(they should be stored at approx. 6-7°C), i.e. in the vegetable drawer . After 12 weeks, when roots appear on the bottom of the onion, it is enough to put it in aspecial potwith water (its level is refilled daily).
The most suitable temperature forflowersis then around 10°C. Cover it with acardboard with a hooduntil the plant comes out. After that, you can take it off and move the flower to the room.