The author of the text is Dr. Regina Dębicz
They arestrong ,strongandvery pretty They are mainly associated with the November holiday and therefore are consideredflowers of sadnessCompletely wrong! Because what flowers decorate autumn gardens more beautifully,balconiesandterraces ?
Chrysanthemums, also called chrysanthemums, were brought toEuropein the late 17th century, but initially did not attract attention.The fashion for these plants was introduced byArt Nouveau- stylized chrysanthemum flowers became one of the favorite decorative elements at that time. Today, however,chrysanthemumsare mainly associated with the dayAll Saintsand despite the undeniable decorative qualities and easy cultivation, they are not appreciated by us. It's a pity, because they could successfully enrichpalette colors ourgardens in late summer and autumn.
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Chryzantemy (zdj .: |
There are many possibilities of using chrysanthemums, because these plantsbeautifullookand in groupshomogeneous, andmixedwith multi-colored varieties, and in garden beds with other perennials andplantsannuals You can also, using low varieties, create withchrysanthemumseye-catchingfringesChrysanthemums are also perfect for growing in pots and containers, it is worth decorating with theseflowersbalconies ,terracesorentrances tobuildings
Individual chrysanthemum flowers form a basket that can have various shapes. They areflat ,pompom ,spherical ,needle ,umbrella . Chrysanthemum flowers also have differentcolorsandshades .
Chrysanthemums are extremely durable after cutting - they can often stand in a vase for up to 4 weeks. Chrysanthemums grown in gardens are suitable for cutting, but greenhouse varieties are used much more often, mainly from the group of small-flowered branch chrysanthemums. These include:white needle'Anastasia',pink needle 'Annecy', white full 'Euro',red semi-full'Managua',white anemone'Mona Lisa',red and white semi-full'Orinoco',orangepompom'Verburch' andgreen pompom'Vesuvio'.
Miniature twig varieties are very popular, the following of which are worth mentioning:white semi-double'Bingo',green pompom'Froggy', orange withgreen middle'Lupo', red'Reddy',yellow-red'Breeze' orgreen pompom'Yoko Ono'.
Standard varieties, referred to as single-stem and single-flowered, are not very popular in florists because they are associated with funeral products and the feast of the dead. Maybe, with time, these flowers will also decorate our homes?
Garden chrysanthemums belong to three perennial species:chrysanthemums red ,arcticDendranthema arcticum andlarge-floweredDendranthema grandiflora. The varieties of the first two species arecompletelycold-hardy and you don't need themcover They bloom in gardens from August onwards and grow to a height of 1 m or slightly above. Among the varieties of red chrysanthemum, the most popular is the variety 'Clara Curtis' with large singlebaskets colors pink , characterized by very profuse flowering. There are also 'September Rose' -light pinkand 'Duchesse of Edinburgh' -carmineBoth bloom from mid-August to late autumn. Large-flowered chrysanthemum also has numerous winter-hardy varieties, including:red'Apache',light pink'Cameo',orange yellow'Copycat',brown'Herbstbrocat', yellow 'Mosquito',salmon pink'Normandie' orwhite'Wee Willie'.
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Chryzantemy (zdj .: |
Variations:purple red'Ali Baba',brown red'Cydonia',yellow'Lucida',white'Garden White' orpurple 'Tip Top' are quite frost-resistant, for which a light cover made of coniferous leaves or twigs is enough for the winter. The gardens also cultivate varieties of large-flowered chrysanthemum that are sensitive to frost, such aspurple pink'Helen Bogue' orcarmine red'Lipstick' , requiring more careful covering, and even digging up and storingcarp rootin cold rooms.chrysanthemum large-floweredvarieties differ not only incolor inflorescences , but also theirconstruction ,sizeandheight
Chrysanthemums grown in gardens reproduce by divisioncarp in springorearlyin summerand with the use of shoot cuttings, which are prepared in spring.These perennials requiremoderately moist , fertile clay-humus soil with a pH of 6-7. In places sheltered from winds and well sunlit, plants bloom profusely, have nicely coloredinflorescencesandhe althy leaves