Beautiful and innocent lily of the valley

Lily of the valley can be found all over Europe. We also meet her in Siberia, Japan and North America.This plant, in addition to its undeniable ornamental value, also has a practical use, namely in medicine.It is used in the treatment of cardiological diseases.

Glycosides contained in flowers and leaves of the lily of the valley increase the frequency of heart contractions. In folk medicine, it was also used as a heart medicine and as a diuretic.

The therapeutic values ​​of this perennial made its natural resources intensively exploited several years ago. genre.

It is also worth knowing that this innocent-looking perennial hides not only healing but also harmful substancesIf you eat the plant, the toxins contained in it can lead to severe poisoning, so let's have a special caring for children.

To please the eye with the beauty of this graceful perennial, we do not need to look for it in the forest thicket - the May lily of the valley can be successfully grown in the garden.

In order to provide the plant with the most favorable living conditions, find a quiet, semi-shaded part of a flowerbed, preferably under the canopy of tall trees. The abundance of flowering and the vitality of the lily of the valley are greatly influenced by the soil and water conditions of the substrate, which should be selected in accordance with the plant's life requirements.

Lily of the valley - soil requirements and flowering

Lily of the valley grows well in moderately moist and not too acidic soils. It reproduces vegetatively using rhizomes.Thanks to this, under favorable conditions, it creates extensive and picturesque green and white carpets.

In garden cultivation, apart from the classic form, we can also find less popular varieties, presenting slightly different versions of this plant, e.g. 'Rosea' (with pink flowers) or 'Grandiflora' (with larger flowers)

Sunny colors on the discount

In nature, the flowering period of perennials falls in May (hence the name - Convallaria majalis).This has to do with the physiology of the plant, which needs temperatures of over 20 degrees to initiate flower buds.

The leaves of the May lily of the valley are very similar to those of wild garlic. But garlic, unlike lily of the valley, is not poisonous.

The enormous charm and tempting scent of lily of the valley flowers make us eagerly decorate the interiors of our homes. Plants are also obtained in the autumn and winter period.

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