Unusual spurgeons

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Some species are extremely beautiful plants, others are quite modest in beauty, but they always attract attention with their originalityThe variety of spurgeons is manifested not only in the richness of forms, the vast colors of leaves and flowering periods, but also in the possibilities settlement of various positions.

Some species cope well with difficult conditions. Few ornamental plants can, for example, develop in sunny and dry places. Spurgeons are such Junaks:mirtolistnyEuphorbia myrsinites andSeguieraEuphorbia seguieriana.Decorative garlic, catnip, groyne, bearded iris and ferns will be good partners for them. Spartan conditions also correspond to our native Euphorbia cyparissias pine spurge, which, however, has one disadvantage: it spreads very strongly.

A semi-shaded bed with slightly moist soil is an ideal place forAlmond LilyEuphorbia amygdaloides, as well as the orange-blooming Griffitha 'Fireglow'. They can be accompanied, among others, by: narcissi, sapphires, brunnery or hellebore. Hailing from the eastern Himalayas,Griffit spurgewill thrive better if it receives a protective cover of leaves in the first winter after planting.

It is worth finding a place for the Mediterranean species by the houseImpressivebluish spineEuphorbia characias ssp. Wulfenii likes sheltered and warm positions with permeable garden soil . Perennial leaves, which are green all year round, should be protected from the rays of the winter sun.

Euphorbia seguieriana,Euphorbia seguieriana,Euphorbia cyparissias orSpurge variegatedEuphorbia polychroma, are perfect as a connecting element between large-flowered perennials.Their usually green silhouettes emanate calm and are the perfect background for flowers with strong colors.

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