In addition to the unusual taste of apricots, the appearance of the fruit is also attractive.Depending on the variety, the flesh can vary in color from light yellow, through shades of orange, to red.The skin of well-known varieties grown in Poland (such as 'Somo' or 'Early Orange') is mostly yellow - orange, often mottled or marbled and additionally fuzzy.
Apricot can be demanding, although the trees do not need many agrotechnical treatments. Pruning is generally limited to cutting down diseased or disturbing branches. Often trees are left completely untreated. This is justified because both wood and bark are extremely susceptible to fungal diseases. Remember to cover the wounds with a suitable preparation after cutting.The advantage of apricots is that their fruits are rarely attacked by diseases and usually do not require chemical protection.
They do quite well without spraying in most years. However, relatively strong tree growth can cause problems.So far, we have not found good dwarf rootstocks, which means that after a few years the plants are quite large.Before planting the apricot, let's choose a suitable place for it, taking into account quite large crown sizes (the species does not like strong pruning).
Success in cultivation is determined primarily by the choice of an appropriate position. Contrary to popular belief, dormant trees can withstand even very severe frosts.Unfortunately, they harden quite quickly after periods of thaw, which favors the formation of frost damage in the form of cracking bark or dying branches.
Most problems are caused by the extremely early flowering of trees. It happens that the first flowers appear at the turn of March and April, i.e. at the time of frost. Even a few-degree drops in temperature below zero during flowering cause the destruction of flowers and, as a result, no fruiting.To minimize the risk, it is recommended to plant trees in sheltered and secluded places.Avoid cultivation in depressions where cold air can accumulate.
Before planting apricots, it is worth checking whether the variety we have chosen is not polypotrophic. In this case, we will need another apricot tree to provide the necessary pollen to fertilize the flowers. Despite some yielding unreliability in some years, apricot bears fruit exceptionally abundantly.When the frosts do not destroy the flowers, in July the entire tree is covered with ruddy fruits.Yields from one tree can reach even several dozen kilograms.
For this reason, the branches often break under the weight of the fruit. The varieties grown in Poland include early 'Early Orange', 'Wczesna z Morden' and 'Harcot'. The 'Somo' variety ripens the latest.
Apricots belong to a small group of fruit plants that reproduce well their mother characteristics during generative reproduction.This means that the plants that will grow out of the stone will bear fruit not only similar in appearance, but also in taste.Unfortunately, the disadvantage of this method of reproduction is quite a long waiting time for fruit, which can be even 5-6 years.
'Early Orange'
Tree and buds resistant to low temperatures. It bears fruit in July, the flesh is juicy, tasty and orange.
Harcot ’
A strong, fertile tree. It bears fruit in July, the fruit is pear-shaped and the flesh is orange.
'Early in Morden'
The tree tolerates temperature drops well. Bears fruit in mid-July, juicy, orange flesh.
Somo ’
Polish variety, it grows he althily. The fruits are rather small, ripen at the end of August, the flesh is juicy.
'Late Rejman'
Strongly growing, he althy, fertile variety. It ripens in early September, the flesh is orange.