The original structure of the passion flowers Passiflora caerulea L. combined with their equally extraordinary beauty has aroused great emotions for centuries. The flowers of this plant consist of five petals and the same number of very similar sepals. The so-called clearly contrasting with them makes the biggest impression. a cup, usually made of radially arranged colored threads. It is he who primarily determines the extraordinary beauty of passion flowers, although nature has endowed them with further adorning details - five magnificent stamens and three pistil marks.
For the first conquistadors to see the martyrs in South America,these flowers were associated with monstrances.A little later, the complicated arrangement of individual flower elements began to be symbolized with the crucifixion of Christ: the 10 petals and sepals of the chalice symbolized ten faithful apostles, the stamens - five wounds inflicted on Christ, and the stigmas - the 3 nails with which he was nailed to the cross. The cap was associated with a crown of thorns. It is from these associations that the name of the martyrs was derived, not only in Polish. The Latin name Passiflora comes from the words passio - suffering and flos, meaning flower.
Most of the approximately 1,000 species of passion flowers are climbers with oval or lobed leaves. Many of them are grown for ornamental purposes and some for edible fruit. Passion fruit, known as passion fruit, has the tastiest fruit, P. edulis. These fruits, containing numerous seeds surrounded by a jelly-like parchment, come in two types of varieties: with a yellow or purple-red skin. Very large, but according to some people not as tasty as passion fruit, it is also made of passion fruit P.quadrangularis. They are called granadillas.
In our conditions, passion flowers are grown primarily for decoration. They can be grown in apartments or as container plants on a terrace or balcony.
The most popular is the blue passion flower (also called common or blue) P. coerulea. It requires sun and high temperatures in summer to flower. It is a very decorative plant that is easy to grow. The flowers are white with blue threads, but the lobed leaves are also decorative, some of which change color in autumn and fall off. Blue passion fruit looks especially beautiful on a terrace or balcony at the end of summer, when the fruit is ripe.
Outside, passion flower can grow until September (it can withstand temperature drops to -5 ° C), but we have to move it indoors before winter. Then the temperature of 8-10 ° C suits her best, but it should also be able to cope slightly higher (however, it may result in flowering in the next season).
Passion flower coral needs a similar dormant temperature.Pracemosa with vivid red flowers, gathered in clusters. This species is suitable primarily for growing indoors. Higher temperature in winter (15-18 ° C is the best then) is required by passion flower with purple-red petals and chalice sepals, as well as long, extremely impressive, dark purple threads of the cup.