I am a lover of Japanese-style gardens. Their characteristic element is a garden lamp. I thought for a long time what to put at home. I could buy a ready-made one, but from what my own ideas!
I figured I would make such a lamp from suporex plates. Such plates are used in construction. Their pieces were left after home renovation.
I have already made four lamps, but I must admit that the first one was a big challenge. First, I glued two panels from a 60x20x5 cm suporex. The next day I cut them with a wood saw a 20x20 cm square and marked two lines diagonally with a pencil.Then I chamfered each edge of the board with a rasp. Then I turned the plate over and drew two more diagonal lines. Each of the four triangles formed from such a division was chamfered with an assembly knife and a chisel, giving them a drawing resembling a tile. I made the other parts according to an invented pattern, using a drill and a file. I bonded all the elements with glue for frost-resistant tiles. The whole thing was secured with a layer of glue, and after drying, I covered it with grout. I gave the next lamps different patterns and colors, thanks to which each of them took on an original look.
In this way, I realized my dream of Japanese lamps at a low cost.
Franciszek Grzegoszczyk