Oleander Nerium is a popular shrub that has been eagerly grown in containers for many years.Until now, the most common were flowering varieties in various shades of pink.Today this classic Mediterranean plant more and more often shows its modern face in varieties with flowers in pastel shades of yellow and salmon, as well as strong tones of color red. The forms with full, romantic flowers are very effective.
Flawless Flowers
Properly cared for, full oleander varieties bloom as profusely as single-flower forms.First of all, the plants should be provided with a suitable place, sheltered from rain.Water drops, penetrating between the densely arranged flower petals, cannot quickly evaporate and discolor them brown.Remember to systematically remove wilting flowers.
Full sunlight
Oleander is a South European plant. It blooms profusely and long if it stands in a sunny and warm place. However, the plant should be handled with care at the beginning of the season.After the poor winter months, the leaves are always green and unaccustomed to strong sunlight.The delicate leaves of the plant that is rapidly moved to the sun are easily burned. Therefore, in April, for at least 10 days, the oleander container should be slowly and gradually moved from partial shade to fully sunlit place.
Good care
Drought and food scarcity harm not only flowers. A weakened plant is susceptible to infection with the Ascochyta fungus. The symptom of the disease is black-gray, round spots appearing on shoots and leaves.Infected parts should be cut a few centimeters from the affected area.A strong, well-nourished shrub may be he althy for a long time and resistant to attacks of pathogenic fungi.
Oleanders are fed from April to August, feeding them once a week with liquid fertilizer. Keep the substrate in the container constantly moist. During the warmest periods of summer,the stand should always contain water .
Cistus Cistus is a gem among plants grown in containers. With his delicate, as if cut out of tissue paper flowers and modest elegancewon the hearts of many owners of balconies, terraces and winter gardens The shrub blooms in May and June. The flowers that open until noon have heavily crumpled petals, which smooth out almost perfectly during the day.
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Czystek Cistus (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
The plant from southern Europe is not too tall, it has small and stiff, fragrant leaves. Likes positions in full sun and lots of humidity. Make sure that the root ball of the plant never dries out.However, we should water the shrub very carefully, as the excess of water remaining in the substrate for a long time may lead to rotting of the roots.Therefore, it is worth planting the plant in a mixture of garden soil with fine gravel or crushed expanded clay. The purge does not have high nutritional requirements. It is enough to fertilize it once a month in the period from April to August.
For a bush to have a nice dense habit, it needs strong pruning every year. We make them after flowering. The cistus winters best in a bright and aired room, with a temperature of 5-12 ° C.
People looking for plants with unusual flowers should recommend the passion flower Passiflora from the tropics. The huge number of varieties contributes to the popularization of this creeper.The slender stems of passion flower, quickly climbing the trellis, create a screen covering the terrace, and also decorate a blank wall.Some species of passion flower (e.g. Passiflora caerulea, Passiflora lutea, Passiflora incarnata) withstand light winters in regions of Europe with a mild climate.
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Męczennica Passiflora (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
Passion flowers amaze not only with their form, but also with their size (diameter up to 15 cm). One flower only lives for 2-3 days, but in summer new buds continue to open and the flowering period lasts for several weeks. The constantly moist air and the substrate protect the climber from attack by spider mites.
Orange fruits of various sizes are usually edible. The most famous is passion fruit, the fruit of Passiflora edulis.
Summer, sun and yellow flowers go well together.The holiday mood on the balcony or terrace will help us conjure up a little-known legume.Its ornamental species, such as Senna corymbosa and Senna didymobotrya, are gaining more and more popularity because of their pretty flowers in sunny shades.
Hundreds of little flowers
In a sunny place sheltered from the wind, the legume shrubs bloom from early summer to autumn. The candle-shaped inflorescences of the thermophilic Senna didymobotrya are particularly elegant.At the end of the flower stem, new brown buds continue to develop into flowers with yellow petals. The bush's velvety leaves smell like peanuts.
In winter, the bushes are moved to a bright quarters with a temperature of 5-10 ° C (Senna didymobotrya likes temperatures above 15 ° C).Strączyniec will keep a nice, compact habit and will not lose the leaves at the bottom of the rapidly elongated shoots if cut.Before bringing it to the winter quarters, cut the shoots 1/3 of their length, and in March shorten them by half .
Agapanthus Agapanthus is one of the more famous container plants. Like many long-cultivated species, it has experienced periods of ups and downs in popularity. Now he is back in favor again.
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Agapant Agapanthus (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
During its flowering period in May and June, the container perennial reveals a stunning spectacle to us. Depending on the variety, flower shoots can reach a length of up to 140 cm. They are topped with spherical inflorescences composed of dozens of narrow calyxes.In a sunny placeagapanthusblooms more abundantly from year to year.Water the plant moderately to prevent rotting of its fleshy roots. Fertilization is limited to six doses of liquid fertilizer in the season (III-VIII). Winter accommodation can be light or dark with an air temperature of 5-8 ° C.
Blue nightshade Solanum rantonnetii is still a novelty in the group of plants with a similar color of flowers. Every year it attracts admirers, because plants with blue flowers are liked, andnightshade blooms bujnieandvery long.
Blue not only flowers
In recent years, the shrub, which is sensitive to frost, blooms not only in strong shades of blue. There are varietiesnightshade with flowers pinkand also purple.
Demanding specimen
This shrub is hungry. It needs as much sunlight, water and nutrients as possible.It also requires pruning the shoots, which allows the plant to maintain a nice shape and also allows the formation of new flower buds.Before moving the plant to winter quarters, trim the shoots by half. The room in which the nightshade hibernates can be light (5-15 ° C) or dark (5-10 ° C).
It is not difficult to explain the secret of Clerodendrum ugandense's successes in the battle to win the hearts of plant lovers. They were caused by charming white and blue flowers, growing fromMaytoend summer They are deceptively similar to butterflies and can be easily mistaken for beautiful insects.
Proper pruning is an indispensable procedure that promotes propagation and allows you to lead a beautiful plant inform dense clumportrees . Shorten fast-growing shoots every 4 weeks by 10-15 cm.
Good care
In the period from May to August, the fortunes need a constantly slightly moist substrate and a weeklydose of liquid fertilizer.In winter, the bush should be moved to a bright room at a temperature of 5-15 ° C.
Sweet jasmine scent
The very name of this shrub has something mysterious and exotic about it, tempts with beautiful, oriental fragrances and invites you to a world of dreams about distant lands. And indeed - during the flowering of jasmine Jasminum, the air on the terrace or in the winter garden is filled with strong fragrances, which effectively help us relax after everyday hardships. We will quickly find out that jasmine fragrances are an essential element of the perfect arrangement of our home oasis of peace.
Most jasmine species are evergreen climbing plants with slender stems that need a scaffolding support. The flowers are mostly white, but there are also species withflowers pink(J. beesianum) andyellow( J. nudiflorum, J. odoratissimum). Jasmine likes partial shade as well as full sun exposure. Keep the substrate moist and once inmonth nourish plant fertilizer Winter quarters should be bright, with a temperature of 5-15 ° C.