Clovers are one of the most recognizable plants. This is due to the common occurrence and the characteristic triple structure of the leaves. It gave rise to the Latin name of the genus - Trifolium.In nature, there are mutations of this structure with a greater number of leaves (the record number of leaves is 56).However, they are so rare that finding them is considered a symbol of happiness.
The genus Trifolium includes about 250 species of annual plants or perennials. Apart from the triple leaves, their common feature are small flowers gathered in heads. Like all legumes, clovers live in symbiosis with atmospheric nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which is why they contain a lot of nitrogen and enrich the soil with this element. Thanks to this, they are valued cultivated plants, used for fodder or as catch crops.It turns out, however, that some of them are perfect for flower beds, in naturalistic gardens or in container cultivation.
The long-haired clover Trifolium rubens has one of the most beautiful inflorescences in Poland. Its tiny carmine flowers are gathered in elongated (approx. 6-9 cm long) heads with numerous branched hairs, giving the entire inflorescences a fluffy appearance.These hairs still remain while the pods are forming, so the plant remains decorative for a long time.This perennial grows to about 60 cm. It blooms in June or early July.
Long-haired clover occurs on the border of deciduous forest and steppe, in sunny and warm positions, as well as alkaline, permeable, fairly dry soils. Its natural companions are:in red geranium Geranium sanguineum, hillock rotator Veronica teucrium, Arachnid leaf beetle Polygonatum odoratum and spider mite Anthericum ramosum. Such a neighborhood will be perfect for naturalistic assumptions. In traditional flowerbeds, it can be planted with, for example, soft algae, bells, golden shadows and yarrow.
The second decorative clover species, Trifolium ochroleucon, has similar requirements and applications. In the naturalistic garden it is worth planting, among others with Campanula rotundifolia and Achillea millefolium yarrow. In traditional gardens it is composed similarly to the long-haired clover.
Another very interesting species with decorative flowers is the annual blood red clover Trifolium incarnata, also called the incarnate.Until now, it was cultivated primarily as a fodder plant, but more and more often it is also proposed for spring sowing in gardens - its seeds are sold in a mixture with the seeds of the golden-yellow clover Trifolium aureum.Red, elongated incarnate heads appear in July and August.
Many species of clover have healing properties, thanks to the presence of active substances.Red clover contains, among others flavonoids, glycosides, vit. A, C, E and mineral s alts.The raw material is both herb and flowers. Extracts and infusions have an expectorant and diuretic effect.
The second group of decorative clovers are clovers with colorful leaves.These are the most common varieties of the well-known white clover Trifolium repens. It is a short (20 cm high), creeping perennial with whitish heads, often found on lawns, and recently even used to create special lawn mixtures (the so-calledmicro-clover, i.e. white clover 'Pirouette', with short stature and particularly fine leaves).
This species also has numerous varieties with red discolored leaves. One of the best known is the Atropurpureum variety, also known as 'Dark Dancer', with maroon leaves with green trimming. One of its forms is ideal for superstitious people - four-leaf leaves dominate. Even prettier is the 'Dragon's Blood' variety - it has unique green and silver leaves decorated with red drawing. Attractive, differently colored leaves are also found in Danish-bred varieties, e.g. 'Jessica', 'Estella', 'Isabella' or 'Spring', while the main advantage of the 'William' variety, apart from the reddish-colored leaves, are dark pink inflorescences.
All varieties of white clover are suitable for growing in the garden, primarily as ground cover plants, and in containers where they can be a beautiful filling of multi-species compositions.They do best in sunny places and in fresh, fertile soil. They can be expansive on discounts.