More about the plant below:
Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)
category : climbers, potted
position : sun, partial shade
height : up to 6 m
wintering:room, 5-15 ° C
reaction soil : indifferent
preferences soil : fertile, permeable, humus
watering : a lot
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : white
form : climbing
period flowering : June-August
seed : -
reproduction:division, apical or semi-woody cuttings
persistence leaves : evergreen
application : balconies, cut flowers, terraces, rooms
pace of growth : fast
Jasmine - silhouetteThe development of medical jasmineMedical jasmine - positionMedical jasmine careMedicinal jasmine - winteringMedical jasmine - applicationAdviceJasmine has a wonderful flower scent that has been enchanting for hundreds of years.It was brought from China to Europe in the 16th century. The aromatic oil found in flakes is used in the perfume industry.Simple white jasmine flowers appear from summer to early fall.
Jasmine is a fast-growing climber, its shoots can reach a length of up to 12 meters.We lead the creeper along the supports. By applying a pruning, you can obtain either a thyme or a bushy jasmine. In autumn the leaves change color to intense yellow.
For jasmine cultivation, a warm, sunny or semi-shaded place, sheltered from wind and rain, is best. Jasmine is allowed outside from April to October. It is not affected by short periods of temperature drop to as low as -15 ° C.In warmer parts of Poland, and with good protection in the form of pine needles or mulch, plants can be planted into the ground.
During the growth period, plants require plentiful watering and weekly food. After flowering, shoots can be shortened if necessary. Plants tolerate strong pruning quite well.New flowers develop on annuals.
A light, airy quarters with a temperature of 5-10 ° C are suitable for wintering. Flowering is stimulated by winter cooling.
Jasmine looks very nice on the terrace and in winter gardens that maintain a moderate temperature.When planted next to a support, it grows quickly and effectively.
Jasmine requires frequent leaf sprinkling in summer. Let's also make sure that the substrate is constantly moist.