In autumn, the prepared and collected bird treats should be properly grouped and placed in the feeders. We should sprinkle food in the first stages of frost, as soon as the first snow appears.
Keep in mind that if you start feeding the birds, they will get used to the place we have chosen - it means that they will successively arrive in the hope of finding food.Do not change the place too often - only if it will be difficult to see for more visitors.
Make sure it is placed high enough. Choose single stakes or trees and limbs with difficult access for cats and other predatory animals. When making a feeder, make sure that several birds can feed at the same time.
The most important type of food will be the combination of oilseeds and grains. Depending on what birds winter in the vicinity of our gardens and what species we want to attract, we must take into account their preferences.
It is important that whatever other factors,do not feed the birds with bread . The ingredients it contains may contribute to the development of diseases:
Choose only:
If you are looking for an idea for an extraordinary culinary gift for wintering birds, put on a fat wreath with grains. It's a great idea if you don't have and plan to prepare a bird house / feeder.
You will need:
Add seeds and other ingredients regularly until the snow melts and the first signs of spring appear. Change food as often as possible to avoid mold and disease development.
Once warm, remove the food from the feeders or remove them completely. Encourage the birds to gradually look for food in addition to the alternative available all winter.
Remember to restore the feeder next season - the animals get used to the place they remember.