Wild on the lawn

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Last fall wild boars interrupted my lawnThis sight was shocking. Without delay, I tossed the entiredamaged turfso that thegrasswas on top again and left there for the winter. In the spring, I started to put togetherturfpieces like puzzles. Unfortunately, not everything fit together and there were many gaps and cavities that I filled with compost soil. Then I sowed the grass seeds. I tamped it all down with my feet and watered it systematically.

Today mylawnlooks much better, although it still lacks a lot of perfection. The hard work paid off and, most importantly, I saved a few hundred zlotys - because this was the amount for the renovation oflawnthe gardening company wanted.

In one of the most damaged places, right next to the gazebo, I decided to build a landing. This time, however, I decided to hire professionals who de alt with this task within two days. I have arranged a corner here where I can relax with my family and friends under an umbrella.

Beata Wielgosz

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