Red and gold autumn leaves

a In the first instance, many people will probably think: "I don't have a place at all." This may be true if you wanted to plant really impressive trees, but there are also shrubs and smaller trees, such as Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken', which change colors fantastically.It is worth remembering that you can even successfully grow ginkgo in pots!

Our choice depends on what color of autumn leaves we want to have in the garden. If we like the end of the season in a bright orange-red tone, such as black chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa or Berberis vulgaris, then let's know that the color change takes place gradually: from yellow, through orange, to red.

On the other hand, in plants that turn yellow, such as witch hazel Hamamelis, field maple Acer campestre or the above-mentioned ginkgo, the green color changes to yellow. The same is true of the Euonymus alatus winged euonymus and other trees and shrubs that are now pinkish red.

The various decomposition processes occurring in the leaves, as well as the content of individual pigments, are responsible for the various course of color change.The type of soil, the position and the late summer weather are also important, which determine the way of plant discoloration.

Added to this is the fact that not all specimens of the same species change color with equal intensity - however, we can only say this when we visit the nursery in person and see the offered plants. It is also worth going to a gardening plant because now is the optimal time to plant.Morus mulberries, which do not take up too much space in their umbrella form, need a winter cover in their youth.

In small gardens you can alternatively use creepers as plants that effectively change their color in autumn.With even a narrow strip of land at the border of the plot, we can plant the right grapevine or Parthenocissus grapevine, which will make it more attractive this corner with the saturated colors of autumn.

Not all leaves are suitable for compost

In autumn gardens, fallen leaves are usually collected in piles and heaps, to be later put into a composter.There leaves of many trees and shrubs, such as hazel, linden or maple, quickly turn into valuable caries. There are also exceptions, incl. walnut Juglans regia and English oak Quercus robur, the leaves of which contain a lot of tannins that slow down the decomposition process.It takes quite a long time to transform them into decay.

Therefore, you should not put whole leaves into the composter.It is best to mulch them with a lawn mower or throw them into a shredder.Only such scraps can be mixed with garden waste, compost or rock flour.

Recommended varieties

1. The Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' palm maple is one of the most reliable varieties when it comes to autumn discoloration, it is also considered to be completely frost-resistant.

2. The white mulberry trees, Morus alba 'Macrophylla', shaped like a roof, harmonize beautifully with the cube-shaped Taxus yews and the Fagus beech hedge. Trees wonderfully shade sunny lounge corners.

3. Leaves of Thunberg's barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Green Carpet' take a fiery red color. This shrub grows up to 1 m high and 1.5 m wide.

4. Parthenocissus quinquefolia climbs the pergola. Along the path there are low plant species Pennisetum 'Hameln' and the blue barbula Caryopteris which blooms from July to October.

5. Persian parotia Parrotia persica grows rapidly, which is especially suitable for impatient gardeners. However, it is thermophilic and therefore not suitable for growing in cooler climates. In this example, it is successfully accompanied by tall sedum Sedum and Pennisetum.

6. Highbush blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum is an ideal plant for growing on small plots, as well as in containers placed on balconies and terraces. In the fall, its leaves turn from green to fiery shades of red and purple.

7. The magical brightness of Hamamelis' Arnold Promise's witch hazel leaves is emphasized here by a golden ball which is an effective decorative element.

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