What distinguishesBIOHUMUSfrom other fertilizers? It contains safe amounts of minerals, and issource of organic matter so no riskover-fertilizationandaccumulation nitrates .
BIOHUMUS is obtained in theprocess extraction vermicompostmade byearthworms Californian.The extracts obtained in this way contain valuable forplants ingredientsfood , but most of allfatty acids humic
What are they? Humic acids area mixture of compounds organicconsisting ofacidshumicandfulvicThey affect the propertiesphysical ,biological andchemical soils
Importantly, BIOHUMUS can be used inorganic crops organic .
For the user, the most important thing is the effect. After some time of regular use of BIOHUMUS fertilizer, you can notice that the plants are inbetter condition , havemore extensive root system ,abundantly bloom , and the yields they produce are greater and above allall Better quality.And all this in away safeandfriendlyforenvironment