Chinese aster Callistephus chinensis - silhouette, care, position, seeding

More about the plant below:

Chinese aster Callistephus chinensis
category : annuals
position : sun, partial shade
height : 15-70 cm
frost resistance : -
soil reaction: neutralsoil preferences
: fertile, humus, sandy loamwatering
: medium color of leaves / needles : green
color of flowers : white, pink, red, purple, blue, yellow
habit : upright
flowering period : July-October
seeding: early spring, springreproduction
: sowingleaf durability
: seasonalapplication
: flower beds, balconies, cut flowers, terracesgrowth rate
: fast

Chinese aster - silhouette

Chinese aster was brought to Europe in the 18th century. Today it is available in a large number of interestingly shaped and colored varieties.Long flowering time and a wide range of colors make it one of the most popular bedding plants.

Chinese aster - development

Chinese aster is available in low (20-30 cm), medium-tall (40-60 cm) and tall (up to 100 cm) varieties.Aster flowers are simple or complex and have a red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, blue or white coloration.

Chinese aster - position

The position in full sun in a well-drained, fertile ground guarantees optimal conditions for development.

Chinese aster - seeding

We run Chinese asters from March in an inspection or greenhouse at 11-15 ° C.The seedlings should be planted after the last late frosts.From May, asters can be sown directly into the ground.

Chinese aster - care

In order to encourage the plants to form new flower shoots, remove the faded flowers (along with the shoot) on an ongoing basis. Chinese asters are often infected with fungal disease.Since the spores of the fungus are in the ground, the place where asters are grown should be changed every year (plants can return to the same place after 8 years).Relative resistance for mushrooms the cultivars 'Bornella' and 'Migella' are distinguished.

Chinese aster - application

Low varieties are suitable for group bedding, as well as for pot cultivation.Medium-tall and tall varieties are suitable for bed plantings and can be used as cut flowers.Asters like the company of grasses.

Chinese aster tip

The seeds should be treated against fungal diseases and the soil in the inspection area disinfected.
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