
Pests of cucumbers and combating them

How to combat pests of garden and greenhouse cucumbers? Symptoms and ecological control of cucumber pests. Recommended spraying for pests of cucumbers

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Cream sprout in cucumbers and on beans. Control and spraying

What does sprout cream look like and what damage does it cause? Symptoms of occurrence, control and the best spraying of cream larvae in cucumbers and beans

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Protection of vegetables against diseases and pests

Protection of vegetables on the plot - ecological and natural methods, effective protection of vegetables against diseases and pests - a way to a beautiful and he althy garden!

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Why are cucumbers bitter? Causes and prevention

Why are cucumbers bitter and how to prevent it? Are bitter cucumbers poisonous and can you eat them? Proven ways to get rid of bitterness from cucumbers :-)

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Diseases and pests of conifers

How to deal with conifer fungus diseases that cause browning of the needles or other symptoms. Ways to deal with pests of conifers - aphids, spider mites, bowl.

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Why doesn't the vine bear fruit?

The most common reasons for the lack of fruit on the vine. See why the grapevine does not bear fruit and what to do so that the bush has a lot of grapes again!

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Soil cultivation in spring

Spring is a period of increased work for owners of gardens and garden plots. Proper soil cultivation has a huge impact on the achieved results and yields. Which cultivation treatments should be performed in spring depends on several factors ...

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Ladybugs against aphids. How to lure ladybugs into the garden?

Did you know that one ladybug eats more than 5,000 aphids? See how to lure ladybugs into your garden and use this great way to deal with aphids and other pests!

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Soil salinity

What is soil salinity and how is it formed? Definition, causes and influence of soil salinity on plants. See how to reduce soil salinity in the garden!

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Diseases and pests of yews. Why does yew turn brown and lose needles?

The most dangerous diseases and pests of yews. Symptoms, photos, control and recommended sprays. See why yew turns brown and loses needles, and how to remedy it

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What is glyphosate and how does it work?

What is glyphosate and how does it work? We explain whether glyphosate is harmful, in which spraying it occurs, and how to control weeds without using glyphosate!

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One-component fertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Single-component mineral fertilizers - nitrogen fertilizers, phosphorus fertilizers and potassium fertilizers - types, application, which to choose and how to dose

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Propagation of perennials by division

Perennials propagation by division is a quick way of vegetative reproduction. See when and how to divide perennials and which species are suitable for it.

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Cisowiec cupcake. Spraying and combating

What does a yew tree bowl look like? Symptoms, harmfulness and life cycle. Control of the yew tree cup and the best spraying against the larvae of this pest

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Powdery mildew of cucurbits. Symptoms, combating, spraying

Powdery mildew of cucurbits on cucumbers. Photos and description of symptoms. Ecological control of powdery mildew of cucurbits and recommended spraying

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Pumpkin scab. Symptoms, combating, spraying

Pumpkin scab is a disease that attacks cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, and squashes. How to recognize scab symptoms? Fighting cucurbit scab and recommended spraying

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Herbaceous, non-lignified cuttings - how to collect and produce

Herb seedlings can be collected from the tops of young shoots of the mother plant. See how to make herbaceous cuttings and from which plants they can be harvested.

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Grafting roses. How and when to graft roses?

Grafting roses step by step. How and when to graft roses so that the plants take root and bloom beautifully? Discover my way to successfully vaccinate roses!

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Sandy soil - properties, cultivation, fertilization, what to plant

Sandy soil - properties, how to recognize, fertilize and fertilize sandy soils, what to plant, the best garden plants for sandy soil

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Spring frosts in the orchard

Spring frosts can cause significant damage to the orchard. A frost occurs when the average daily temperature is positive, but the minimum temperature has dropped below 0

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Clay soil - properties, how to improve, what to plant

How to recognize clay soil, how to improve its quality and what plants can be planted in such soil? Secrets of growing a garden where clay predominates!

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Physiological drought. Causes and prevention

What is a physiological drought? Definition, causes and symptoms of physiological drought. How to prevent physiological drought and help dehydrated plants

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Pests of fruit trees and shrubs - photos, descriptions, control

Pests of fruit plants - fruit trees and shrubs - descriptions, photos, control. What insects threaten fruit trees? Recommended plant protection products.

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Bleaching of fruit trees. How, when and with what to whiten the trees?

How to whiten fruit trees? When and what to whiten the trees in the orchard? What to do to prevent the lime from being washed away by the rain? Here is the best bleaching instruction!

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Acidophilic fruit bushes

Acidophilic fruit bushes are not only blueberries. Most fruit shrubs prefer acidic or slightly acidic soil. Meet the soil requirements of fruit shrubs!

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Diseases of aquatic plants

The most common diseases of aquatic plants and the best methods of combating them - how to protect aquatic plants from rot and stains on the leaves

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Annual plants grown from seedlings

What plants are worth growing from seedlings and how to care for annual plants grown from seedlings? Here are some practical tips on how to prepare a flower seedling.

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Woody cuttings - how to download and root

Woody cuttings - a proven way to reproduce trees and shrubs. How to pick lignified cuttings, when to make cuttings and how to root them?

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Diseases of potted plants

Diseases of potted plants - causes, diagnosis of symptoms, treatment of plants, recommended protection measures. Why do our flowers get sick and how to help them?

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Topsin M 500 SC - why withdrawn, what a replacement

Topsin M 500 SC withdrawn from sale and use in gardens. We explain why Topsin M 500 SC has been discontinued and which Topsin substitutes are recommended

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