Every year, despite proper care, fruit plants can be attacked by numerous pests - insects and mites, which may deteriorate the yield and weaken the growth of our fruit trees and shrubs. The effectiveness of the fight againstpests of fruit plantsdepends on the selection of the appropriate method and method of control, limiting the possible use of chemicals. Find out about the most commonpests of fruit treesand shrubs on our plots and the methods of combating them, both ecological and chemical.
Pests of fruit trees
The given names of preparations forpest control of fruit treesare examples - they are not all possible preparations, we tried to choose the most popular ones.It is also worth remembering that apart from pests, damage to plants in the orchard can also be caused by diseases of fruit trees. It is worth learning to recognize and distinguish the effects of disease from the effects of pest attacks.
Symptoms:in spring, a fluffy, fluffy white coating appears on the bark, ranging from older branches around old cut scars and cracks, to younger growths,
Cause:small, gray and black bug sucking the juice from the bark, its colonies are covered with waxy threads,
Plants affected:apple trees, sometimes pear and quince, as well as hawthorn, cotoneaster and rowan,
Control:destroy cotton colonies by hand, cover the resulting bark wounds with orchard balm, if chemical control is necessary, then spray the tree with Pirimor 500 WG,
Symptoms:raspberry fruits are wormy, dry and turn brown at the stalk, larvae feed on the flower bottom,
Cause:Kistnik raspberry beetle (Byturus tomentosus) is a small brown beetle eating flower buds,
Plants affected:raspberries, blackberries and their hybrids,
Control:on sunny days, in the period preceding flowering, we shake beetles off the plants onto a sheet, collect them and take them outside the plot, any spraying is carried out before flowering, when the flower bud loosens, using Decic 2 preparations , 5 EC, Talstar 100 EC (fights spider mites at the same time), these preparations can be used at the temperature ofup to 20 ° C,
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Cause:apple flower (Anthonomus pomorum L.) is a small, 5-millimeter black beetle, oval larvae, initially whitish with a black head, then yellow-brown,
Plants affected:apple trees, pear trees,
Control:in early spring (when buds are bursting) catch the flower by shaking it onto a sheet, then remove and destroy infected buds, chemical control is necessary only in the years of weak flowering (then the pest can damage too many buds), the treatment is performed between bud breaking and a green flower bud using Calypso 480 SC,
Symptoms:distorted and curled leaves, often sticky, covered with aphid droppings,
Cause:bugs up to 5 mm in length, abundant on the shoots and on the underside of leaves, some of the aphids attacking orchard plants are presented in the photo below,
Plants attacked:various fruit plants (peaches, cherries, cherries, plums, pears, apple trees, hazel, walnut, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, grapevines), vegetable and ornamental plants,
![]() Peach aphid | ![]() Cherry Aphid | ![]() Plum-reed aphid |
Symptoms:the ends of the shoots with the leaves of the trees, and even whole branches, are surrounded by a dense rot, in which numerous caterpillars move, which skeletonize the leaves, i.e. eat the upper skin and crumb, and do not disturb the lower skins, they can also eat the entire leaves and even damage the fruit buds, which wilt and fall, visible mines filled with caterpillar droppings at the leaf bases,
Cause:caterpillars of the apple tree tent, which come out to feed since spring, from July butterflies appear with snow-white wings with black dots, when the butterfly is resting, the wings are arranged along the body, the females lay eggs caterpillars hatch in the deposits of a dozen or so in the autumn and hibernate under egg shells to go for feeding the next spring,
Plants affected:apple trees,
Control:should be done at the beginning of a pink apple bud, i.e. when the small caterpillars have left the egg discs and started their journey in search of young leaves, shoots and young leaves should be thoroughly sprayed with Decis 2.5 EC , Fastac 100 EC, Talstar 100 EC or others, in amateur cultivation ABC preparations against insects on fruit trees and shrubs ALwill also be useful.
Cause:5 mm long fly with dark, transverse stripes on the wings, 4 mm long legless white larvae,
Plants affected:cherries,
Control:we recommend ecological control by covering the surface of the ground under cherries and cherries with a dense net and picking fruit with larvae to prevent the larvae of the pest from descending into the soil, in June we catch flies on orange sticky boards, after harvesting the fruit, we dig the soil under the trees, in the case of chemical control, the date of the treatment is determined on the basis of catching on orange sticky plates - we fight 7 to 9 days after the first flies fly out and again about 2 weeks later, during the next flight intensity (most often it is at the end of the first and third decade of June), we use Mospilan 20 SP, the systematic collection and destruction of fruit with larvae should not be stopped.
" Symptoms:in groups, in the nests strawberries wilt and then dry up; leaves, petioles and bark on strawberry and raspberry shoots damaged by beetle feeding - irregular bites visible on the edges of the leaves, "
Cause:weevils are small weevils, the most dangerous of which is the weevil, the feeding larvae of the weevil destroys the roots of various plants, and adult beetles gnaw leaves, buds, flowers and even the bark on thin raspberry branches and strawberries, which leads to their withering, similar damage is caused by the oyster mushroom,
Affected plants:strawberries, raspberries, and ornamental shrubs, min. rhododendrons,
Control:in the event of massive appearance of beetles, spraying should be done only after harvesting the fruit, thoroughly spray the plants and the soil surface under them with Dursban 480 EC or the amateur ABC against insects on AL fruit trees and shrubs, the treatment should be repeated twice every 14 days,
Cause:Yellow-leaved fruiting body - a small wasp, 5 mm long and black body with yellow limbs and antennae, the pale fruiting body is slightly larger and its body is yellow-orange, the larvae of both fruiting bodies are close to white in color , with a brown head,
Plants attacked:plums, sometimes cherries,
Fighting:tearing and destroying the buds with fresh bites and moist faeces visible on the surface of the bud, any spraying should be carried out just after the flower petals fall, if we found that the harmfulness threshold was exceeded on white sticky traps (on average more than 60 fruiting bodies to trap), measure 480 SC,
Cause:apple fruit (Carpocapsa pomonella L.) is a butterfly with a wingspan of up to 2 cm, the first pair of wings is brownish-gray with wavy bands, the second pair is olive-gray, caterpillars 15 mm long are white for pink, brown pupae located in the cradles, in the hollows of the bark,
Plants affected:apple trees, pear trees,
" Fighting:on the plots it should be enough to pick and destroy fruit with caterpillars and catch the caterpillars on corrugated paper bands that we put on the trunks at the end of June, as well as natural horseradish infusion sprayed during the flight butterflies.We carry out possible chemical control during the period of intense flight and egg laying (around mid-June), to determine the date and intensity of the butterfly flight, we use pheromone traps, such preparations as Insegar 25 WP (at the beginning of the flight of butterflies), Calypso 480 SC, Steward 30 WG (mass flight), Spintor 240 (blackhead stage), "
Cause:fruit plum (Laspeyresia funebrana Tr.) - a small butterfly with a wingspan of 12 to 14 mm, the wings of the first pair are gray with dark spots at the end, rear wings lighter, gray-brown, caterpillar white with a black head, intensely pink at the end of development, reaching up to 12 mm in length,
Plants attacked:plums, ałycza, peaches, apricots, rarely cherries,
" Fighting:catching caterpillars on corrugated paper bands that we put on the trunks from mid-August, collecting and destroying fruits with feeding caterpillars will prevent the further development of thesepests of fruit trees, chemical control during the period of intense flight and egg laying (around mid-May), preparations such as Insegar 25 WP (at the beginning of the flight of butterflies), Calypso 480 SC, Steward 30 WG (during the mass flight period), Spin Tor 480 are used SC, Spin Tor 240 SC (blackhead stage), "
Cashew caterpillar Sticky band for catching female butterflies |
Symptoms:in spring there are holes in the leaves, bitten flower buds, damaged fruit buds,
Cause:light green caterpillars of the primeval moth, a butterfly that appears in late autumn, when there are practically no natural enemies anymore, once every few years these insects are massively present and can strip the leaves of fruit trees,
Plants attacked:apple trees, pear trees, plums, cherries, sweet cherries, as well as ornamental species, min. elm,
Control:in autumn the female pest migrates up the tree trunks to lay eggs in their crowns, using this property and combating the pest during this period, we can avoid the need to spray in spring - at the turn of September and October we install sticky traps on the trunks in the form of a paper or foil funnel covered on the bottom with an adhesive substance, girding the tree trunk, these traps will stop females moving up the trunk, if, as a result of omitting this procedure in the spring, the caterpillars of the preimmune appear in mass, it may be necessary to perform spraying, spraying is performed in the period just before flowering, when all the caterpillars hatch, preparations such as min. Decis 2.5 EC and Talstar 100 EC (allows you to fight spider mites and plum rust mite at the same time),
Symptoms:leaves become dull, white dots appear on their surface, with time the leaves turn yellow and fall prematurely, sometimes they are covered with a thin cobweb, the trees bloom and bear fruit less,
Cause:fruit spider mite, hoppy spider mite, hawthorn spider mite - small mite (size less than 1 mm),
Plants affected:many different garden plants, including fruit trees and shrubs, often apple and plum trees,
fruit deposits | leaf damage | Hawthorn spider mite |
Control:is quite difficult as spider mites can reproduce quickly and become resistant to pesticides. On apple trees, the control is necessary when numerous winter egg layers of the fruiting spider mite are visible on the shoots. We carry out the treatment before flowering, from the budding stage to the beginning of the so-called mouse ear with the use of preparations based on paraffin oil.Promanal 60 EC or Treol 770 EC can be used for this purpose. The spider mite on plum trees is also combated in the same way. Early spring spraying with oil preparations, permitted for use in organic farming, allows to minimize the need to use spider mites during the growing season.
Later, Magus 200 SC can be used to control spider mites on apple trees and plums during the growing season. On apple trees it is used in a dose of 7 ml in 5-7.5 l of water / 100 m2, and on plums in a dose of 5 ml in 5-7.5 l of water / 100 m2. The advantage of the preparation is the fact that it fights all development stages of spider mites occurring during the growing season, both summer eggs, larvae and adults.Another preparation for spraying fruit trees after confirming the presence of spider mites is Ortus 05 SC. The recommended dosage is 10 to 15 ml per 10 liters of water. "
Symptoms:reduction of leaves and whole shrubs of strawberries, fruit reduction and non-ripening,
Reason:small (0.2 mm) arachnid,
Plants affected:strawberries,
Control:not collecting seedlings from old plants, removing and destroying plants controlled by the pest, possible chemical control on the plots can be carried out after harvesting the fruits and mowing the leaves with Sanmite 20 WP,
Symptoms:worming nuts, round holes visible on the surface of the nuts, yield reduction, at the beginning of May you can notice beetles feeding on the leaves,
Cause:beetles from the weevil family, yellowish legless beetle larvae eat the inside of the fruit, common hazel pests,
Plants affected:common hazel,
Control:start control in mid-May, when the beetles start to lay eggs, use Decis 2.5 EC for spraying, repeat the spraying after about two weeks, in August, collect and destroy wormy nuts, which prematurely wilted and fallen off the branches,
damage on leaves walnut pear leaves damaged by pear bush |
Symptoms:may vary depending on the pest species, in spring there is wrinkling of the leaf blade, poor development of leaf and flower buds, inhibition of growth of young trees, light green bubbles on the leaves, summer russeting of the buds around the calyx, discoloration and russeting of the underside of the leaves, russeting of the fruit near the calyx in autumn, brown blisters and discoloration of the leaves,
Cause:microscopic spoilage such as apple rust, plum rust, pear, pear, pear mildew,
Plants affected:Various trees and shrubs, including apple, plum and pear trees, grapevines, walnuts,
Combating:in amateur crops, it is limited to performing winter inspections in orchards and removing infected leaves and shoots, in case of high intensity of pests, Talstar will be helpful in relation to some spines, the treatments are repeated during the season (due to the assumption of the problem, please ask in shops about the date of the treatments and other measures to combat the unkempt), walnut fibrosis attacking walnuts, it is not chemically controlled at all, it is only removing the affected leaves in June and at the beginning of July,
Symptoms:buds unnaturally enlarged, not developing,
Cause:Cecidophyopsis ribis are microscopic mites feeding in the buds, they can transmit viral disease - reverse,
Plants attacked:black currants, other currants very rarely
Control:systematically remove and destroy infected buds or shoots with buds, chemical control is not recommended on plots,
" Symptoms:young leaves with small holes gnawed, damaged flower buds in a similar way as with apple flower, later - long leaves are curled into a cigar and braided, shallow but wide appear on the surface of the fruit cavities that become corky over time, "
Cause:leaflets are small butterflies, in spring, after the buds develop, the leafy leaf larvae twine the leaf and fruit with yarn, the leaves are usually curled and the young fruit is gnawed,
Plants affected : apple trees, pear trees as well as plums, currants, raspberries,
Combating:in home orchards and allotment gardens, where we should avoid the use of chemical plant protection agents, it is recommended to spray with the biological preparation Lepinox Plus. Spraying is performed as soon as you notice the presence of caterpillars.
Lepinox Plus contains the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. This bacteriuminfects the caterpillars of the tortoise, causing them to stop feeding immediatelyand die completely in a short time. It is an environmentally safe preparation, selective against beneficial insects, allowed for use in ecological gardens. For amateur garden use, Lepinox Plus is sold in 10 g sachets. This sachet should be dissolved in 5 liters of water, so it is matched to the most popular garden sprayer capacity.
All these advantages make Lepinox Plus is an excellent preparation for combating the tortilla caterpillars on fruit trees
Based on: K. wiech, Plant Protection Schedule for 2009. , Działkowiec, Warsaw 2009; K. Wiech, Szkodniki Drzew Owocowych, Plantpress Sp. z o.o., Krakow 1999; K. Wiech, Ecological plant protection, Działkowiec, No. 3/2004, p. 62; K. Wiech, Recommendations for plant protection on plots, Działkowiec, No. 2/98, pp. 24-29; P. Syga, Lap the pest on a stick, Kwietnik, No. 10/2004, pp. 50 - 51; C. Brickell, Wielka Encyklopedia Ogrodnictwa, Muza S.A., Warsaw 1994, pp. 550-558; Fruit Plant Protection Program for 2004, Plantpress Sp. z o.o., Kraków 2004, as well as advertising materials for producers of plant protection chemicals.
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