Diseases of conifersand pests most often attack neglected plants, but they can also attack properly cared for. See what to do when dropping or browning of needles occurs, discoloration or distortion of shoots appear on conifers, we noticeconifer pestssuch as aphids or spider mites. Here's how to identify and combat the most common diseases and pests of conifers.
Gallows (aphid feeding symptom) on spruce shoots
We start protective treatments against pests of conifers in spring, thanks to which we will destroy the spore forms of pests wintering on plants.We can use oil preparations with a contact effect, e.g. Promanal 60 EC at a concentration of 2% (20 ml per liter of water) or Treol 770 EC at a concentration of 1.5% (15 ml per liter of water) and Emulpar 940 EC (90-120 ml of the preparation is dissolved in 10 liters of water). We carry out the treatment with a garden sprayer, making sure that the preparation also reaches the branches, and not only the outer parts of the plants.
One of the most common pests of conifers is the pine spider mite, which causes mosaic-like yellowing of the needles. Over time, the needles turn brown and fall off, which is easy to see in July and August. It is accompanied by characteristic spider webs on conifers.
Spruce attacked by spider mites
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl
From May to the end of summer, we can combat this pest with preparations such as Nissorun 050 EC, Sanium spider mites and Karate Gold.
Other frequently occurring pests andtroublesome pests of conifers are aphidsVarious types of galls (sprouts, usually green, resembling cones or in the shape of pineapple) on the shoots indicate the presence of aphids from the gorse family for example, spruce-larch bungy, green spruce bastion or spruce-pine bastion. Later on the plants can be seen foragingfemale aphids, usually covered with a whitish coating
From March, we should inspect the plants, if we notice galls, remove them and burn them, because the larvae of the pest reside in the galls. Chemical control of aphids belonging to the family of bugs can be carried out in 2 times. From late autumn to early spring, we destroy hibernating larvae or females before they can lay eggs. At this time, when the temperature is higher than 12 ° C, spray the bushes twice, at two-week intervals, with a preparation from the group of synthetic pyrethroids, e.g.Fastac 100 EC or using the oil preparations mentioned at the beginning of the article.
White raid and aphids on the pine tree
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl
In the second summer season, when we notice the first females surrounded by white felt on larch, fir or pine trees, we spray the plants with systemic preparations such as Mospilan 20 SP or with gas-based preparations, e.g. Pirimor 500 WG. A good solution will be the Karate Gold preparation recommended above against spider mites.
Other pests that we encounter areJune- bowls, scales and mealybugs. Their example may be the thuja cup on thuja, or the yew tree cup which attacks the yews.
Pests on thuja - Tujowiec cupola
Fig. © PoradnikOgrodniczy.pl
These pests cause shoot dieback and distortion, and in special cases may even lead to the death of the entire plant.The best time for combating bowls, scale and mealybugs is when the larvae hatch from the eggs and when the young larvae migrate on the shrubs (June is for scale and mealybugs, and July for bowls). During this period, the conifers should be sprayed twice, 2 weeks apart, with Mospilan 20 SP, Polysect 005 SL or Karate Gold.
In addition to numerous pests, conifers grown in the garden can also be harmed by variousfungal diseases of conifersPrevention is primarily the proper care of conifers, feeding plants with fertilizers and mulching the soil with bark, and removing infected parts plants. If we noticebrowning of conifersand shoot dieback, spray the plants with fungicides such as Topsin M 500 SC and Scorpion 325 SC. Spraying should be repeated using the preparations alternately. If we do not want to introduce chemicals and stick to more ecological methods of protection, it is worth reaching for the Biosept Active biopreparation.
It is worth noting at this point that not alwaysbrowning of needlesmust be a sign ofconifers disease , requiring radical action. Under the influence of winter colds and a lack of moisture, many species turn brown (especially at the end of winter, when the sun is slightly warmer and the cold soil still does not allow water to be drawn from it) to brown as a natural process that allows the plant to survive this unfavorable period. Only when the weather improves does the natural green color return. If at the end of May there are no signs of the needles and scales turning brown, we don't have to worry. This phenomenon can most often be observed in cypress trees, some thuja and other types from areas with milder winters. This is how it behaves, among others very often planted in the gardens Brabant thuja.
Weeds may also be a problem in growing conifers. Especially in the case of young, small copies.Weeds can be removed with a hoe, but in this way it is easy to damage shallowly growing plant roots. In addition, the soil discovered in this way easily dries up or becomes sealed and becomes windproof. Therefore, as the best way to prevent weeds, I recommend lining the soil surface around young conifers with pine bark.
See also: