Although we love our dogs very much, it is impossible not to notice the damage that can be donedog in the gardenSo what to do when a dog digs in the garden, destroys plants and peeing on bushes? How to make a dog run around the garden without harming our crops? Here are the best ways to tame your dog in the garden!
Dog in the garden
The whole problem can be viewed in two ways. First of all, you can adapt the garden to the dog's needs, i.e. arrange it in such a way thatdog in the gardencan move freely without damaging the plants.Secondly, you can teach your dog to respect your garden and the work you put into caring for that patch of green around the house.
When adjustingyour dog's garden , first of all try to keep the proportion between your pet's size and the size of the garden. The bigger the dog, the more space it needs to run. But what to do when you already have a large dog, e.g. Great Dane or St. Bernard, and the area of your garden does not exceed one hundred meters?
First of all, design the garden in such a way that, with a small area of it, it will be able to absorb and eliminate the effects of the activity of the quadruped, without taking away the possibility of using the open space. Pay attention to your dog's habits here and leave at his disposal those parts of the garden that he uses most. If yourdog in the gardenlikes to run and jump under the fence acting as a guard - prepare a hardened, ungrown strip along the fence.Such a path should be from 60 cm (for small dogs) to over a meter wide. The path under the fence can be covered with gravel, sand, bark or paved with paving slabs or paving stones. However, remember not to leave any gaps between the boards and not to introduce various surfaces, as this may cause the dog an injury.
" In the garden, try to plant slightly older trees and shrubs. Overgrown seedlings are much more resistant to damage caused by quadrupeds than very young ones. Dog urine is a particular threat to conifers. It can lead to brown needles and even the whole shoots to dry up. Deciduous shrubs, especially those dropping their leaves for winter, tolerate such terrain marking much better. Therefore, plant deciduous shrubs around the conifers in such a way that the dog cannot walk directly under the coniferous tree. "
You can alsoprotect tree trunks from a dog in the gardenby installing fences or nets around them.A method proven by some gardeners is the use of plastic water bottles. From the bottle, cut off the neck and bottom, and then cut the bottle lengthwise. You can wrap the cut bottle around the tree trunk.
Apart from such obstacles, it is also worth arranging raised beds, based on retaining walls or palisades, which will discourage the dog from actively penetrating higher places. Such obstacles will greatly facilitate the learning of the quadruped and indicate the paths on which it is allowed to move.
Note! Remember that fertilizers and plant protection products used in the garden are poisonous for the dog !!! Be careful when using fertilizers and plant protection products. Keep your dog indoors while spraying.
" Also remember to keep your dog outside the garden when planting new plants, mainly bulbs and sowing seeds, so that he does not see where you are planting. After planting, the area should be leveled and watered so as to leave as little traces as possible after the work done.This way you will avoid digging up the bed by a pet interested in new products in the garden. "
" In many cases, dogs manage to learn in which areas of the garden they can move and where they should do their needs. In the first stage of learning, on a very short leash, lead your dog along the paths and lawns, clearly indicating: here yes and no here. A few such rounds on a leash should memorize the four-legged paths allowed. Then let the dog free and watch. As a rule, the dog will follow the same route. If he tries to leave the designated places and enter the beds, react strongly. As a dog owner, you will surely come up with the right command content yourself! With time, the pooch manages to get used to the marked paths so that even when playing and running, he efficiently avoids the forbidden places. "
In a similar way, you candesignate placesfor your dog to do his or her needs.After all, it is possible to teach a puppy at home or in an apartment where he can do his job, so why not teach him in the garden as well? So prepare such a place in the garden, preferably somewhere in the quiet at the edge of the garden. You can sprinkle some sand there. React every time the dog tries to deal with its needs in a forbidden place and show him the right place.
Bitches often urinate on the lawn. As a result, burned-off patches of dried grass remain on the lawn. If you notice that your dog has urinated, pour water over the area. The water will dilute the urine and reduce the negative effect of the dog's toilet. However, since you won't be able to keep an eye on your lawn all the time, automatic watering and garden sprinklers can help. If you additionally install motion sensors that will turn on the sprinkler when the dog enters the lawn, it may be able to discourage your pet from dealing with the area.
Regular walks are also a good way to learn how to teach your dog to take care of himself in the garden.Just like we take a dog out of the house, we can also take him out of the garden, and over time he will learn to take care of his needs outside the garden. This method is especially useful when the quadruped is of considerable size and there is not enough space in the garden to walk around. When he goes out for a walk, he will no longer want to mess around in the garden.
"If it turns out that your pet cannot be reformed and the lessons are of no use - you can outsmart him! Well, dogs (males) mark their area by urinating and they do it especially in places already marked by competitors. So take a cloth and use it to wipe the fresh urine of another dog. Then place the cloth in the place where the dog needs to do itself. The desire to outrun a rival will prevail over the desire to water bushes. Unfortunately, the smells get stale, so you have to repeat the procedure of soaking the cloth with the urine of another dog from time to time.
""On one of the discussion forums I also found the following description of the peeing dog method: A few years ago I found a nice idea somewhere - I wipe my dog&39;s urine with an old sponge, then stick it behind the fence, all other dogs soak the sponge according to it.Then I broke a box with holes from the boards and put it in opposite corners of the garden (there were 2 of them), my dog ran from one to the other and poured water, and the conifers rested.
"Therefore, dog owners have their own developed methods of dealing with their four-legged children. If you have more ideas and you know how to deal with a dog in the garden, or if you have any comments on this text - I invite you to discuss the topic The dog destroys plants on the forum. What is the way to get a dog in the garden?