Garden divider - varieties, cultivation, reproduction

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Garden divider(Helenium hybridum) is a honey-bearing perennial flowering yellow, orange or red-brown from summer to fall. Thanks to the variety of forms, ease of cultivation and the availability of interesting varieties, the shared ones are more and more often found in our gardens. Here are some tips ongrowingon garden beds,varieties ofto plant, and what are the best ways toreproduce garden plantsfrom own cultivation.

Garden plot - Helenium hybridum

What does a garden party look like?

The genus of Split (Helenium) includes about 40 species, of which the most eagerlyis the Garden of Split(Helenium hybridum). It is a hybrid of the autumn (Helenium autumnale) and the Bigelova (Helenium bigelovii) with other species.
The garden divider usually grows up to 1.5 m in height , but you can also buy smaller, compact varieties growing up to 40-60 cm. Thin, highly branchedShrubs are crowned with single flowers.The striking flowers are characterized by a convex basket and small, tubular petals with intense, warm colors in shades of yellow, orange, red and brown.Dzielżany blooms in June , and the flowers last until October.

Garden divider - application

Dzielżan is a perennialeagerly used in rustic flowerbeds, where it is planted in the company of such plants as: planters, rudbeckia, sedum, willowleaf sunflower, delphinium, paniculate flame, prumhead or different species of asters.
Low varieties of splitcan be planted in front of flowerbeds together with catnip, mossy sage, daylilies, yarrow or ornamental grasses.Tall varietytend to lose leaves from the bottom of the shoot, so it is advisable to plant them with shorter plants that will obscure non-traction shoots.

Garden plot - Helenium hybridum

Groups can be plantedalso between deciduous and coniferous shrubs. It is worth using them as honey plants, attracting bees and butterflies. Helenium is also an excellent cut flower plant.

Garden divider - varieties

There aremanydivisions available in garden stores that vary in shape, height, flowering date and color of flowers. The most interestingvarieties of garden splitrecommended for amateur cultivation in gardens are presented in the table below.

Download this table in a printable version:

  • Garden divider - varieties (PDF)

Garden divider - cultivation

Garden dividers are very easy to growand do not require much effort to look beautiful. They grow best in sunny or slightly shaded positions. They prefer well-drained, fertile, humus and moderately moist soils, but they do well in any average soil.Garden divider copes well with brief water shortagesWhen rainfall is not present for a long time, the plants should be watered abundantly, especially during the flowering period. Water deficiency will be manifested by weaker flowering anddrying of the lower leaves of the split
The garden divider is a plant resistant to low temperatures(most of the varieties belong to hardiness zones of plants 5) and do not require winter cover.

An important cultivation procedure isfertilizing the garden yardThis plant has high nutritional requirements and requires systematic fertilization. When split, they respond best to organic fertilizers, e.g. mature compost, which is scattered around the plants and gently raking it with the soil. Mineral fertilizers intended for flowering plants serve them equally well.When choosing a fertilizer for Splitit is worth choosing a long-acting one, such as Substral Osmocote, which you only need to apply once during the growing season - in spring.
Garden dividers do not require special care , however, it is worth remembering to trim the inflorescence shoots after flowering stops. Plants will thank us with more abundant flowering in the next season.
The garden divider is planted in the bedsfrom April to September. The recommendedplanting spacing ofis 40-50 × 40-50 cm for lower varieties, and 50-60x50-60 cm for higher varieties.

Garden plot - Helenium hybridum

Garden divider - reproduction

We can multiply the garden in three ways:
Multiplication of the split by division- the split may grow for many years in the same place, but despite good growing conditions, it begins to lose its attractive appearance after a few years. Then it should be rejuvenated. You can take advantage of this moment and propagate the plant. The cuttings created after dividing are planted directly in a new place, or first planted on a seedbed for better rooting. The division of the district is best done in the spring (March-April), but not more often than every 2-3 years.
Propagation of the split by sowing seeds- the seeds of the split seed are sown from February to June or from September to October. Seeds are best placed 2-3 pcs. In individual pots, covering them with a thin layer of sand or vermiculite.This will ensure adequate humidity. The temperature during the germination period should be 18-22 ° C. The emergence takes 14-21 days. It should be remembered that ornamental varieties propagated by sowing do not retain the characteristics of the mother plant.
Propagation of the split by shoot cuttings- take the shoot cuttings from the tops of the shoots from April to May. We rooting them in a sandy-peat substrate, remembering to maintain constant humidity. The cuttings take about 3 weeks to take root, after which we can plant the plants permanently.

MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak

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