Common Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family and is known as Abelmoschus esculentus or Hibiscus esculentus L. In English-speaking countries, it is also commonly known as Lady's finger or gumbo. Its edible part is fruit with a characteristic elongated shape and angular cross-section, somewhat reminiscent of chili peppers.
The circle can be used in many ways: the fruit is used as a vegetable, and the whole plant can successfully fulfill an ornamental function. Its consumption is recommended for people who have problems with the digestive system, especially those suffering from stomach ulcers, because the mucus contained in the fruit soothes these ailments.
Edible hibiscus comes from Africa, so its thermal requirements are high.In temperate climates, it is best grown under cover, in a greenhouse or in a tunnel, because cultivation in the field is risky. Okra requires warm soil and air as well as a lot of sunlight. The soil for its cultivation must be well-drained, warming up quickly, with a pH of 6.0-6.5. The presence of nematodes in the soil can completely inhibit plant growth.
Okra grows well next to melons and cucumbers. Like them, it reacts favorably to mulching the soil with black foil or non-woven fabric. We can start producing seedlings in March, because the minimum temperature for germination of seeds of this species is 16 ° C. The substrate for the production of seedlings, made on the basis of peat substrate, should contain an admixture of coconut fiber, then the plants grow and bear fruit better. The seedlings should be fed once or twice with a multi-component fertilizer solution during production, and after planting it in a permanent place, it is good to repeat this treatment every 2 weeks.Under covers, it can be planted in early May. It is better to wait until the end of the month before planting into the ground.
Okra in our climate is an annual plant, usually growing up to 1 m, although under favorable conditions even up to 1.5-2 m. It has quite large palm leaves with cut edges. The flowers are cream-beige in color with a maroon center. The fruits appear on the plant successively, and their regular harvesting results in faster yielding. Keeping the fruit on the plant for too long may inhibit the formation of the next fruit. Gloved picking is a good idea as the entire plant and fruit are covered with fine hairs that can cause allergic itching and skin irritation. The fruit is light because it is hollow. Tiny white seeds are attached to a placenta in the center of the fruit.
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Unripe fruit is most often eaten after processing: boiling, frying, stewing or baking.We can eat very young fruits raw, although then they have a bitter taste. For those who do not like the slimy texture of okra, which appears after thermal treatment, it is recommended to blanch the fruit in hot water with vinegar. However, in many cases this feature of hibiscus is extremely desirable, because it gives sauces and soups the right consistency, and additionally alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of gastric ulcer disease. Hibiscus seeds are rich in fat (omega-9 oleic acid and omega-6 linoleic acid) and can also be eaten raw or roasted as a tasty addition to salads or salads.