Flame of Africa, Delonix Regia - cultivation, seeds, seedlings

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Flame of Africa , Latin. Delonix Regia is one of the most beautiful trees in the world. During flowering, it looks like it is in flames from a distance, thanks to its beautiful, large (up to 15 cm in diameter) orange-red flowers. The flame of Africa is named after these flowers. Is it possible topottingof this plant and how to carry outsowing Delonix Regia seeds ?

Flame of Africa - Delonix Regia

Delonix Regia flowers appear from spring to summer. The homeland of this plant is Madagascar, but now it is massively planted in tropical regions of the world. African flamecreates an umbrella-like crown up to 18m in diameter in natural conditions. It reaches a height of 6 to 9 meters. Long, doubled, pinnate leaves in a nice dark green shade. In times of drought, they can be discharged periodically.
In our climate, it is possible toonly grow Delonix Regiain pots. In summer, put the pot with the plant out in the garden or on the terrace in well-sunny places, and in winter, move it to a frost-protected room.

Africa Flame - pot cultivation

The African Flamerequires bright, sunny positions. The best substrate for growing this plant will be garden peat with the addition of clay.

The plant can spend the summer in a sunny and warm place in the garden. Particular attention should be paid to regular watering during the summer period, as even a short-term drought causes all leaves to fall off. Although the plant will recover quickly, it will not be as attractive as usual for up to two weeks.
Delonix Regia should spend the winter in a frost-free room(5 to 15 ° C), but still bright. Then we only water so much that the substrate in the container does not dry out too much, thus stimulating the dry season when the plant loses leaves - that is, the winter dormancy period.Leaves will appear in spring with beautiful flowers. If necessary, in the spring before the beginning of the growing season, the plant should be transplanted into a larger container or pot and start watering regularly, at the same time giving the spring dose of slow-release fertilizer, which will be enough for the entire season.

Flame of Africa - sowing seeds

The African Flamecan be propagated from seeds or cuttings.Seeds of Delonix Regiaare sown in the spring. They are large and have a fairly thick seed coat, so it is necessary to subject them to a scarification process (cut with a knife or rubbing with sandpaper), and then soaking them in lukewarm water (it must not be cold!) For 1-2 days.The seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, in a well-prepared soil, we can cover them with sand or perlite. Keep the substrate slightly moist (but not wet). Maintaining a temperature of 22 to 25 ° CDelonix Regia seedsshould germinate in about a month (various sources can find divergent information about the germination period - from 2 to 4 weeks or from 4 to even 12 weeks).

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