Plant protection - Page 8

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"align=left height=110 width=110 worms in the soil of potted flowers - home remedies to get rid of "
White worms in the soil of potted flowers are a surprising sight, especially with freshly purchased plants. Learn the simplest home remedies to get rid of worms from flower soil, thanks to which you will avoid the use of chemical pesticides in your home. Here are the most popular 3 species of soil-inhabiting insects in potted plants and how to combat them. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 sticky bloom on pot flowers. What is it and how to get rid? "
A white sticky coating on potted flowers is an unsightly sign of pests that weaken plants and contribute to the overall deterioration of their condition. See how to get rid of pests that cause white bloom on potted flowers! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 diseases. Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall off? "
When oleander leaves turn yellow and fall off, this may indicate inadequate growing conditions, infection by pathogenic fungi or pest attack. In order to correctly identify the cause and choose the right way to save the plant, it is worth knowing the symptoms of oleander diseases and learning to distinguish them. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 is the oleander not blooming? "
Find out what causes a lack of oleander flowers and how to remedy them. Here are 9 of the most common reasons why oleander is not blooming or is failing to bloom. See what to do to make your oleander bloom beautifully! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 and pests of conifers "
Diseases of conifers and pests most often attack neglected plants, but they can also infect properly maintained conifers. See what to do when there is dropping or browning of needles, discoloration or distortion of shoots appear on conifers, we can see conifer pests such as aphids or spider mites. Here's how to identify and combat the most common diseases and pests of conifers. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 do conifers turn brown on the inside? "
The conifers seem to be quite he althy, lush green, while after opening the shoots and taking a closer look, it turns out that there are plenty of brown twigs inside. We explain why the conifers turn brown from the inside and whether you should worry about this phenomenon. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 fir diseases. Why does the fir turn yellow and lose needles? "
Come beautiful and seemingly easy to grow, it happens that the Korean fir turns yellow and sheds needles, losing its charm. Why is this happening? How to prevent fir yellowing and losing needles? Learn about the 3 most common diseases of Korean fir and learn how to fight them. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 fir pests. Ochojnik and spider mite on fir "
Korean fir pests cause yellowing and dropping of the needles, which makes the fir look unsightly and loses its decorative value. Most often, an ocher or spider mite appears on the fir. How to recognize these pests and what to do when we notice them? Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 and pests of pine - descriptions, photos, control "
Pines are beautiful shrubs and trees, usually hardy and growing well in our climate. However, they can be attacked by diseases and pests.See how to identify diseases and pests in pine trees, with symptom descriptions and photos of pathogen-infested pines, as well as proven ways to combat diseases and pests on pine trees. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 pine needles. Why does pine lose needles? "
The fall of pine needles can be both a natural process and associated with an attack of a disease or pest. But how do you recognize natural shedding of needles from infection? See why pine loses needles and what to do then! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 on a pine tree. What is it and what to combat? "
Caterpillars on a pine tree can be observed in spring and summer. In order to properly fight caterpillars on a pine tree, it is worth finding out what kind of pest it is, what its life cycle is, and also learn to distinguish between different types of caterpillars. See what preparations to use for spraying and what to fight the caterpillars on the pine tree! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 ore - description, control, spraying "
Red Lyme is a Hymenoptera, the larvae of which eat pine needles in large numbers in May and June, causing pig-eating in extreme cases. Here is a detailed description of the boron mushroom and the damage it causes, as well as a hint on how to combat this pest on pines growing in our gardens. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 and pests of spruce "
Spruces are relatively rarely susceptible to diseases, and pests of spruces appear much more often. White spruce and its varieties are often attacked by the pine spruce, while the spruce spruce pest appears on the blue spruce. See how to recognize diseases and pests of spruce trees and learn about the best ways to protect spruce trees from diseases and pests. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 of spruce needles. Why does spruce lose needles? "
How to prevent the spruce from yellowing and losing needles? Find out about the 3 most common reasons why the spruce loses its needles and learn how to fight them! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 algae. Spraying and fighting gorges! "
The spruce-larch volcano is an aphid that lives on larch and spruce trees. This pest hibernates hidden in cracks in the bark, in spring it distorts the needles of larch, and in summer it covers the shoots with white waxy secretion. See how the control of armworms on conifers should look like and learn about the best spraying for this pest! Read more … ◄ BACK.NEXT ►
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