Sweet jasmine - varieties, cultivation, diseases

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Fragrant jasmineis a frost-resistant shrub with low demands, valued for its beautiful flowers with an unusual scent. Traditionally planted in rural gardens, parks and urban greenery. See how easy it isgrowing jasmine in the garden , choose the bestsweet jasmine varietiesfor your plot and learn aboutjasmine diseases and peststhat can sometimes appear on this plant. Welcome to the wonderful world of jasmine trees!

Sweet jasmine. Photo I.Sáček, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

Sweet jasmine - varieties

Jasmine trees are frost-resistant shrubs that shed their leaves for the winter. A species that grows wild in nature isaromatic jasmine(Philadelphus coronarius). It is a shrub up to 3 m high and 2 m wide. Young plants have stiff shoots growing upwards, while in older plants the outer branches begin to sag. The main decoration of the fragrant jasmine plantis its creamy white flowers with a strong fragrance , appearing from May to June. The dark green leaves are narrow, pointed, with curled edges.

Sweet jasmine in Polish nurseriesis available in basically two cultivars. In addition tofragrant jasmine varieties , gardeners also have a number of hybrid jasmine species at their disposal.
Sweet jasmine varieties:
Sweet jasmine 'Aureus'- this variety is distinguished by light green leaves and slightly limited growth compared to the species (up to 2 m high and 1.5 m wide). Requires a sunny location.
Sweet jasmine 'Variegatus'- a variety of jasmine with dark green leaves with white margins
The most popular hybrid varieties arejasmine 'Virginale'characterized by white flowers gathered in large, branched clusters and a slightly later flowering date, i.e. from June to July. This variety is often stripped of leaves from the underside, so it is worth recommending it for planting mainly from the back, for a background in a bed.
Owners of small gardens should be recommendedthe Polish variety of the 'Biały Dwarf' jasmine treewhich is only up to 1.2 m high and wide.

Good to know!Fragrance jasmine is often incorrectly called jasmine. Meanwhile, jasmine (Jasminum) is a completely different type of plant.

Sweet jasmine - cultivation

In the gardenaromatic jasmine requires sunny to semi-shaded positionsIt grows best in fertile and permeable, calcareous or neutral soil.Beforeplanting jasmine in the gardenit is worth fertilizing the soil with compost or manure. Jasmine is a frost-resistant plant, resistant to drought, urban conditions and air pollution. For this reason,growing aromatic jasmine usually causes no problems
Once every few years, after flowering is over, it is worth performing a radicalaromatic jasmine cutin order to rejuvenate the bush. Every year, we can trim the faded flower shoots, which predisposes the plant to further flowering.
Jasmine trees can be plantedsingly and in groups, on formed hedges and open rows.

Sweet jasmine. Photo I.Sáček, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

Sweet jasmine - diseases and pests

The most common disease on these shrubs isjasmine leaf spotAs a result of infection with this disease in the second half of summersmall brown or brown spots can be observed on the leaves of jasmineThey can be round or oval, often edged with a darker outline. The leaf tissue may crumble to form holes where the spots are located. To combat leaf blotch on ornamental shrubs, we use fungicides, such as Baymat AL, Domark 100 EC, Topsin M 500 SC. Spraying should be carried out several times at intervals of 10 days, preferably alternating with the natural preparation Biosept Active, which generally strengthens plants and inhibits the development of diseases. We should also remember to remove fallen leaves from under the infected bush (it is best to burn them).
Bushes can also be attacked bygray jasmine moldIts development is favored by rainy, humid, sunny. As a result of infection with this disease during floweringflower petals blacken and become covered with a dusty coatingBrown spots of irregular shape appear on the leaves, with time also becoming covered with a dusty coating. The treatment of this jasmine disease is carried out by spraying with the following agents: Rovral Aquaflo 500 SC, Teldor 500 SC, Biosept Active.
Among the pests, the greatest threat to the aromatic jasmine plant is the beetroot aphid , which from the beginning of May creates large clusters of wingless insects on the tops of the shoots. As a result of aphids feedingjasmine leaves are deformed and covered with sticky dischargeAphid control is carried out by spraying with insecticides, such as: Decis 2.5 EC, Karate Zeon 050 CS, Mospilan 20 SP. If we do not want to use environmentally harmful chemicals, we can use garlic-scented potassium soap and the natural Agrocover preparation in the fight against aphids. In early spring, before the start of vegetation, it is worth spraying the jasmine plants with Emulpar 940 EC or Promanal 60 EC oils. Thanks to this, we will destroy aphid eggs hibernating on shrub shoots and reduce the risk of pest attacks during vegetation.
The angular, black spots between the veins of the jasmine leavesare the result of the feeding of the Chrysanthemum nematode.Nematode feeding can be reduced by removing infected leaves and watering plants directly onto the soil. Avoid sprinkling the shoots and leaves, as the water droplets facilitate the movement of the nematodes on the bush.

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