Tawułki from A to Z

Awamori-so, that is the Japanese name of the tawułka.We are writing about it on purpose, because in the Land of the Rising Sun, this plant is held in high esteem and is used in elegant floral arrangements, which are an important part of the traditional tea drinking ceremony.Tawułki are not only an element of flower arrangements cut, because as shade-loving plants, distinguished by a beautiful scent and color of flowers, they are an important element of shaded gardens arrangement.

Tawułki from A to Z

Only a hundred years ago, only low varieties of tawułka with white flowers were known. With time, however, the situation began to change dramatically.The great variety of varieties we have today is due to Georg Arends, arguably the most important tawułka breeder in the history of botany.In the early 1920s, Arends began crossing wild species, obtaining many new varieties from them, which he classified as one group and named after him.

Arends tawułka flowers later than, for example, wild boartawułka Japanese , moreover, they reach much larger sizes.Flowerscome in a very wide range of colors, from white to shades of dark red.

Due to the relatively large size, and it should be noted that Arends' tawoules reach a height of up to one meter, plants need more space also within the root ball. Therefore, they should not be placed in the immediate vicinity of trees.

The genus Astilbe is very diverse, which means that in addition to tall varieties, we also have many low varieties, which are distinguished by drooping shootsSuch features are endowed with the Simplicifolia group, which are ideal for shaded positions for rock gardens and potted gardens.

Tawułek care

Tawułkineed to be watered frequently and require a fertile soil. Perennials do best in partial shade, among trees and shrubs with a not too compact crown. They can only tolerate full sun when the ground is sufficiently moist.Only the Japanese tawułka is more resistant to drought.Generally, however, it is recommended to water all species abundantly in hot weather. Otherwise, the tops of the leaves andthe inflorescenceswill start to dry.

In general assessment, tawułki are considered resistant plants and resistant to frost. Diseases are rather rare, even snails are not very interested.After the season, flowers are replaced by beautiful seed heads that decorate flowerbeds in the winter.

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