Guinean Sansevieria - cultivation, transplanting, reproduction

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Guinea Sansewieriais a houseplant that produces sword-shaped, dark green leaves with transverse stripes.Growing Sansevieriais very easy. This plant tolerates neglect well, therefore it is recommended for offices and wherever potted flowers cannot be devoted to too much time. See how to care for it and what it looks likereplanting and reproducing sansevieria

Guinea Sansevieria - Sansevieria trifasciata
Fig. Joanna Białowąs

What does Guinean ansevery look like?


Gwinejska Sansewieria(Sansevieria trifasciata) is also referred to as the serpent or the language of the mother-in-law. The names of the coil and the tongue of the mother-in-law refer to the leaves of this plant, while the name of sansewieria comes from the name of an Italian aristocrat, Raimondo de Sango, prince Sanseviero, who first brought this plant from Africa to Italy. Guinean Sanseveria comes from the dry and sunny steppes of tropical Africa. It is therefore resistant to dryness and likes a lot of sun. In pot cultivation, pests basically never appear on it. "

Coil forms creeping underground rhizomes, from which grow fleshy, stiff, sword-shaped leaves with sharp tips.Sansevieria leavescan grow up to 60 cm in height. In the species they are dark green with light transverse stripes. Interesting varieties of coil are also found in potted cultivation.Sansewieria 'Laurentii'has yellow-edged leaves, while in 'Craigii' the leaves are edged in white.The cultivar 'Hahnii' has much shorter, shell-shaped leaves gathered in rosettes, and the cultivar 'Golden Hahnii' has golden margins on the leaves. Guinea Sanseveria grows slowly and lasts for many years in a pot.

Guinean Sansewieria - cultivation

Guinea Sanseveriagrows best in bright, sunny places, although it will also cope with less sun. In very strong sunlight, burns may form on the leaves, in the form of large white spots with edges clearly demarcated from he althy tissue. The tissue collapses at the site of the stains and becomes papery. However, in our climate, sunburn is extremely rare. When Guinean Sansevieria is placed too shadowy, the drawing on its leaves is not so visible, they turn even green. Then we move it closer to the window or to a better lit room.

The temperature of cultivation of sansevieriashould be around 20 ° C in summer, and in winter slightly below 15-18 ° C.It should never fall below 13 ° C.
Proper watering is very important in the cultivation of sansevieria. During the growing season, i.e. from spring to autumn, you shouldwater the sansevieriaquite regularly, but allow the top layer of soil to dry to a depth of about 2.5 cm between waterings. In winter, water the plant much more sparingly. Periodicdrying up of Guinea Sansevier can tolerate fairly wellIf you water too much, the leaves turn yellow quite quickly.

Note!When watering sansevieria, never pour water inside the leaf rosette, because then it rots very easily. It is best to pour the water on the stand under the pot.

Fertilizing sansevieriashould not be too abundant, it is enough to feed it once every two weeks, preferably with fertilizer for potted plants, diluted with water for watering.

Guinean Sansevieria, i.e. the language of the mother-in-law

Guinea Sansevieria - transplanting

Sansevieria replantingis done in spring, when the roots of the plant do not fit into the pot anymore (sometimes the pot may even burst through the roots of the plant). Since the Sansevian works quite well in small pots, the next pot is only one size larger than the previous one. Above all, however, remember that it should be a heavy ceramic or clay pot, relatively wide, because in light and narrow plastic pots sansewieria can easily tip over, especially in winter, when the soil in the pot is very dry.The pot should be filled with soil. light, carious, with a reaction similar to neutral. In practice, it may simply be an ordinary, universal soil for potted flowers, which you will buy at any flower shop.

Guinean Sansevieria - reproduction

Sansevieria breedingis relatively easy. It is best to do them in spring, while transplanting.After the plant is taken out of the ground, the rhizome is divided into several parts or the shoots at the base of the plant are cut off with a sharp knife.
You can also prepareSansevieria leaf cuttingsFor this purpose, the sansevieria leaf is cut 5 cm long, and then their lower parts are placed in a mixture of compost soil and coarse sand (mixed in the ratio 2: 1).

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