A Japanese-style garden is becoming an increasingly common idea for arranging a backyard garden and the area around the property. Substitutes of Japanese gardens, or at least Japanese-style discounts, are also sometimes created in allotment gardens. If you dream of even a Japanese corner in your garden, see how to design a Japanese-style garden, what should it be like, and see example arrangements and photos.
Attempt to create a Japanese-style garden in a small backyard garden
Characteristic forJapanese-style gardensare originally cut bonsai trees, beautifully flowering Japanese azaleas and rhododendrons, or a palm maple with a characteristic reddish-purple color of the leaves.These compositions, created by Polish gardeners, often amateurs, modeled on Japanese gardens, although they may be liked, do not fully reflect the character of a real Japanese garden. A properly composed and maintainedJapanese-style gardenis nothing like the work of a European gardener. It is full of hidden meanings, old memories, a place where you can feel close to nature.
Japanese-style garden - characteristic stone lantern
So different from the everyday home gardens in our country,Japanese-style gardenstry to refer to everything that is most beautiful in nature. Their creators create miniature landscapes, often placed on a very small area, where you can see both beautiful boulders covered with moss, as well as long passes and streams, rivers and lakes hidden among the mountain slopes.
Characteristic elements to be seen walking in theJapanese-style gardenare molded trees, shallow bodies of water, pebble beaches and bamboos.Fortunately, all this can be transferred to a gord in the Polish climate, if only thanks to the fact that nowadays frost-resistant garden bamboos are available, which are successfully grown in Polish Japanese gardens.
According to the rule that nature is the most important in the garden, the creatorsJapanese garden styleabandon planting of flowering plants in favor of a dozen or so species of trees, shrubs and grasses in a uniform green color. Perennials and bulbs are planted only sporadically and only to emphasize the natural character of the garden nooks.
Japanese-style gardenis a place where stone and water complement each other and their harmonious coexistence is emphasized by the green colors of plants. Even a small pond or a bowl filled with water is an obligatory element of any garden decorated in this oriental style. The stone is represented by rough boulders symbolizing high mountains constantly covered with fog, and gravely squares plundered in such a way as to imitate the waves propagating in all directions on the surface of the turbulent water.
A Japanese-style garden is a place where stone and water complement each other, and their harmonious coexistence is emphasized by the green colors of plants
Caring for theJapanese-style gardenis as time-consuming as maintaining the other assumptions in good shape, but all care treatments are performed in such a way as to conceal human interference in the world as much as possible nature. Treatments aimed at aging trees to make them look like they are subject to the forces of nature is a perfect example of what the Japanese mentality of caring for plants looks like without interfering with their natural appearance.
Every, even the smallest scrap, Japanese-style gardenmust be composed in such a way that it looks completely natural. The most important goal of the creators of gardens in this style is to emphasize the harmonious beauty of nature, so that a walk in such a garden encourages contemplation, without overwhelming it with the flashy colors that usually pour out of flowerbeds established in gardens in our country. Here, the novelties of gardening are abandoned in favor of proven sets of plants that have been planted for centuries in this type of garden. You do not fight mosses and lichens, and some fallen leaves are left under the trees so that they resemble a walk among mountain forests.
Even a small pond or a bowl filled with water is an obligatory element of any Japanese-style garden
When designing a Japanese gardenit is worth drawing from the methods practiced over the centuries, supplemented by a personal image of quiet, mountainous corners, where Mother Nature has been creating harmonious combinations of stone - water - plant since the dawn of time. When creating a
Japanese-style garden , it is also worth exploring the philosophy of oriental gardeners a bit in order to understand the rules of choosing the right materials, plants and methods of production.
Japanese-style garden within the Frank-Raj miniature gardens
According to Japanese philosophy, everything that is old is precious and this rule has the same application when creating a garden. Boulders covered with moss, old branches of formed trees and distressed stone decorations are intended to remind the viewer of the past. Garden compositions are designed to symbolize the male and female elements and their eternal balance. These can be contrasting combinations of light and shade or stone and water.
BordersJapanese-style gardenare to be blurred by a properly composed interior. In small areas, trees or bamboo groves growing outside the property are often complemented, while when it is created on a large area, it should unnoticeably go beyond its frame, complementing the views visible on the horizon.
Emil Gwizdała