Anemone Anemone - description, cultivation and care, varieties

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Anemone(Anemone) is a perennial from the Buttercup family. The genus of anemone includes about 150 species found in various parts of the world. Some of them are also growing in Poland. The gardens grow both early spring anemones and fall-flowering species andvarieties ofanemones. Among them there are plants suitable for various sites, suitable for any garden. See whatanemones cultivation and care looks likeand choose the most beautiful anemones for your garden!

Wood anemone

Anemone - description, garden varieties

Among the anemones, we can find both plants for planting in partially shaded positions and those growing in full sun. The maindecorative value of anemones are theirflowers - usually white, pink or blue, and also in shades of red, purple and yellow. The leaves are most often complex, serrated but there are also single leaves. Depending on the species, the underground part consists of tubers, fibrous roots or thick, creeping rhizomes. Anemones are most often divided into blooming in early spring and blooming. The flowering date translates into the planting time andthe method of growing anemones

Early flowering anemones
This group includesspecies and varieties of anemones that bloom from spring to mid-summer . Among them there are plants suitable for cooler and partially shaded locations, as well as plants for hot and sunny locations.
The first group, i.e. anemones that do well in partial shade (partially shaded or shaded places for part of the day), includes species that occur naturally in our country, such as the wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa),large-flowered anemone (Anemone sylvestris) andyellow anemone(Anemone ranunculoides).They are fully frost-resistant species.
Wood anemoneis a rhizome perennial. It grows quite commonly in shady forests, creating lush carpets only 15 cm high. Its small flowers, about 4 cm in diameter, are white, pinkish on the outside, slightly concave, with protruding yellow stamens. In garden cultivation, there are numerous varieties with flowers that change color to blue (variety 'Alenia' and 'Blue Beauty'), purple (variety 'Bowles Purple') or pink (variety 'Rosea').

Coronary anemone 'Mister Fokker'

Large-flowered anemone(syn. Forest anemone) is a branchy rhizome plant, growing up to 40 cm in height. In early summer, its white, cup-shaped, slightly hanging flowers appear, larger than those of the wood anemone, reaching 6 cm in diameter.
Earlier, from March to May,yellow anemoneblooms. Creates small carpets up to 20 cm high. Yellow cup-shaped flowers, only 2 cm in diameter.
Among early-flowering anemones for semi-shaded positions in gardens, we can also findanemone(Anemone multifida). It grows up to 30 cm in height. Flowers cup-shaped, white or discolored in red or greenish, 2.5 cm in diameter. The flowers appear in late spring, but if we remove the heads with seeds, they can last until autumn.
Among early-flowering anemones there are also species for dry and fully sunlit positions. They require such conditions especially during the summer rest. They are perfect for growing in pots. The most common anemone in this group isanemone(Anemone coronari). This species grows up to 60 cm in height, and its flowers, 6 - 8 cm in diameter, appear from early spring to early summer. Depending on the variety, they can be white, red, blue, pink or two-tone. The variety 'Hollandia' with large red flowers with a white center, 'The Admiral' with double, pale pink flowers with a dark center, or 'Mister Fokker' with violet-blue flowers looks interesting.

Zawilec 'Honorine Jobert'

Late flowering anemones
Among the late-flowering anemones, that is, from late summer to autumn, the Japanese anemones and hybrid anemones are in the lead. Both come from the Chinese anemone (Anemone hupehensis) growing in China and Taiwan, and have creeping rhizomes underground. They are much taller and more magnificent than spring anemones and are characterized by a long flowering period - up to several weeks.
Japanese Anemone(Anemone hupehensis var. Japonica) produces relatively tall and loosely branched shoots, on which sprouts large, white to mauve, radiant flowers. Among the varieties recommended for the garden, it is worth mentioning the Japanese anemone 'September Charm', large perianths (up to 8 cm in diameter), pink with a white border, reaching 60 - 80 cm in height. Japanese Anemone 'Praecox' blooms pink from July, grows up to 40-60 cm in height, while the cultivar 'Prince Heinrich' has full, purple-pink flowers, grows to a height of50 - 80 cm.
Hybrid Anemone, orGarden Anemone(Anemone x hybrida) is available in such interesting varieties as 'Honorine Jobert' with white, single flowers, reaching 120 - 150 cm in height and 'Whirlwind' o very numerous, semi-double white flowers, reaching a height of 80-100 cm.

Japanese Anemone 'Prince Heinrich'

Anemone - planting, cultivation and care

What's the bestanemone planting date ? It depends on their flowering time.
Spring-flowering anemones are planted in autumn(in September) in fertile, moist but well-drained soils, in partially shaded areas.Tuberous anemones are also planted in autumn , but on more permeable soils and in sunny positions. Duringcare for tuberous anemonesthey should not be watered at all during the summer dormancy, and after the leaves dry, the tubers can be dug up and stored in the sand.
Anemones blooming from the second half of summer to autumnare planted in spring or early summer.The cultivation of these anemonesalso requires fertile and adequately moist soils as well as sunny or partially shaded and, above all, secluded positions. Anemones from this group tolerate summer droughts and heat worse, so it is worth covering them with bedding during this period.
As you can see,care for anemonesfrom different groups differs slightly.Anemones usually needsome time to settle in in a new position, but after two years they start to grow well and grow rapidly. For the winter, young plants should be covered with leaves, peat or pine needles.
Anemone can be plantedin the company of bushy asters, rugs and tawułek. A decorative funkia and a cranberry will also be a good company for him. Anemones should also be planted under taller trees and shrubs and near ponds.

Breeding anemones

Rhizome anemones , blooming from spring to early summer, reproduces by division of rhizomes in the fall or immediately after flowering. In the case of bulbous anemones, the tubers are dug out of the soil and divided into pieces in such a way that each piece has at least one apical bud. They can be planted when the cut surfaces are slightly dry. It is a good idea to coat them with a fungicide.
Late-flowering anemones divide and spread outin spring - preferably in April, possibly in May. Division is carried out infrequently, only in older specimens. The rhizome is divided so that each piece has a growth tip and roots.
In early spring, you can also prepareroot cuttings of anemoneFor this, the roots are divided into 7- 10 cm sections and placed in boxes filled with a mixture of peat and sand, and then covered with a thin layer of substrate. Maintain moderate humidity. The first leaves can be expected after about a month.

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