Gardenia jasmineis an evergreen shrub with glossy leaves, native to East Asia. We are cultivated as a pot plant, valued for its large (6-10 cm in diameter) and beautifully fragrant flowers resembling roses. A particularly popular variety isjasmine gardenia 'Veitchiana' , which blooms in winter. This beautiful plant is unfortunately very difficult to grow and requires special breeding conditions to bloom. See whatgrowing jasmine gardeniain a pot looks like and what this plant needs. Properly conductedgardenia care at homewill make the plant bloom beautifully every year! We also reveal a method forbreeding gardenia grown at home
Gardenia jasminoides - Gardenia jasminoides
Cultivation site, insolation
" Gardenia jasminowata(Gardenia jasminowa, Gardenia jasminoides) requires a sunny place of cultivation. If there is not enough light, the gardenia leaves turn pale and turn yellow. Too little light also inhibits flowering. Gardenia should not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially in summer in the midday hours, as the leaves can get burned. In the summer (from June to September), we put the gardenia on the balcony and in a semi-shaded place. "
Gardenia growing temperature
The optimaltemperature for growing jasmine gardeniais 20-24 ° C during the day and 17 ° C at night - all year round. This temperature range guarantees flowering. If the daytime temperature during the flowering period is below 18 ° C, shedding may occur.
Watering jasmine gardenia
Gardenia jasmine requires frequent watering- 3 times a week. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week, keeping the substrate constantly moist.
"However,gardenia does not tolerate flooding the roots of , i.e. wet feet, especially in winter. That is why the pot should have very good drainage - on the bottom of the pot we place a layer (at least 1 cm) of coarse gravel, broken ceramic pot, and preferably it should be expanded clay. "
Gardenia leaf care
In addition to frequent, regular watering,sprinkling the gardenia leavesis very important. All year round, we sprinkle the gardenia leaves with decalcified water every day. During the flowering period, avoid soaking the flowers as the petals will then develop stains and discoloration.
Maintaining adequate humidity promotesabundant flowering of jasmine gardenia Sprinkling the leaves daily also helps keep them clean. You can use a rinse aid to add shine to the leaves. To maintain a constantly high air humidity in the gardenia environment, which is very difficult in residential conditions, we can grow it under a glass shade or in a jar.
Gardenia jasmine - shiny leaves and developing flower
Protecting gardenia from disease
Due to the consistently high level of humidity, gardenia is often attacked by plant fungal diseases. If the leaves and shoots of the gardenia turn brown, it is because a fungus has attacked it. Then remove all shoots affected by the disease, and spray the rest of the bush with fungicidal preparations for potted plants. We also transplant gardenia to a fresh substrate and a clean pot. As a preventive measure, it is worth spraying gardenia regularly with natural antifungal agents, such asBiosept Active.
What land for gardenia?
An important factor in the cultivation of gardenia is the appropriate substrate and its pH.The soil for gardenia must be definitely acidic , i.e. pH 4.5-5. Too high pH of the substrate very quickly affects the he alth of the plant.A special soil for azaleas and rhododendrons is best for growing gardenia.
Fertilization of jasmine gardenia
Due to the acidity of this plant,we use only calcium-free fertilizers to fertilize gardeniaIt is best to use organic fertilizers such as biohumus.We fertilize gardenia every 14 days. We use liquid fertilizers, applying half of the dose recommended by the producers.
What can harm gardenia?
Gardenia does not tolerate draftsand fumes from gas cookers. It does not tolerate the company of other plant species, so it should be grown alone.Gardenia should not be overused too often We do this only when we notice yellowish discoloration on the leaves (despite proper care) or when the plant is weakening and the root ball is very dense. It is best to do this in the early spring, when the plant is dormant.
How to trim gardenia?
This interesting potted plant with ornamental flowers requires regular removal of faded flowers. Thanks to this,stimulates gardenia to produce new flowersand prolongs its flowering period. In Marchwe trim the tops of the gardenia shoots , which helps the gardenia to flourish. We only use a sharp secateurs for cutting gardenia as lignified shoots are often crushed when the wrong tools are used. The cut off top fragments of shoots can be kept and prepared into cuttings.
Gardenia, as a houseplant , is unfortunately very difficult to grow. Much more suitable for cultivation in conservatories or greenhouses.It very often happens that a plant dies after flowering is completed and therefore it is often treated as a seasonal plant.
Gardenia jasmine in full flowering
Jasmine gardenia is propagatedthrough woody cuttings obtained from the apical parts of the shoots. The material for propagation is collected at the turn of February and March. We select shoots with at least two pairs of leaves. Cut the cuttings diagonally directly under the leaf node. Before planting in the ground, remove the lower leaves together with the petioles. To speed up the rooting process, we can use rooting for woody cuttings.
We plant the seedlings in a special substrate for azaleas and rhododendrons. A good alternative is coconut fiber, which is sterile, won't rot or mold.Place in the substratejasmine gardenia seedlingstightly cover.It is best to use a plastic bottle for this purpose, cut it in half. The upper part, with a screw cap, covers the seedling, creating a kind of miniature greenhouse. Under such cover there areoptimal humidity and thermal conditions for gardeniaThe bottle greenhouse is easy to ventilate - by unscrewing the cap for several minutes a day. A tightly covered seedling, along with the entire surface of the substrate in a pot, often does not require watering, because the water condensing on the bottle walls constantly moisturizes the soil.
The pots with gardenia seedlingsprepared in this wayshould be placed in a warm (20-22 ° C) and bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Gardenia cuttings take 2 to 4 weeks to take root.
MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach