Beautiful shade plants

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Where the sun's rays rarely reach or do not reach at all, shade-loving plants come into play: native and exotic, flowering, ornamental from leaves and fruiting.

Among potted plants suitable for growing in shaded places, we can find many species of ornamental plants. A great contribution to the arrangement of the terrace is made by plants in the penumbra, also worth knowing. Sunlit places not longer than 3-4 hours a day are also treated as semi-shaded.Such conditions prevail, among others. on the terraces of the North-East and North-West exhibition. The terraces are bright, but are nevertheless sheltered from the sun from late morning or afternoon.

Half-shaded places also include the so-called a luminous shadow created by the scattering of sunlight in the crowns of trees and shrubs. In the luminous shade, flowering plants such as impatiens, begonia, fuchsia, datura and velvet, as well as exotic palm trees and bananas feel great. Shadow plants are easy to recognize, usually by large, soft leaves. Examples include hibiscus and koleus (Brazilian urticaria).

Pokrzywka brazylijska Plectranthus scutellarioides zarówka (Photo:

Even typical representatives of southern European flora, such as olive and laurel, grow he althy in poorly sunny places. In order for the olives not to lose any shape, they can stay only 3-4 hours a day in light shadeAll properties are retained by the laurel; its leaves smell aromatic also when the shrubs are poorly sunlit.

In conditions of complete shading of the place of cultivation, and such a situation we deal with, inter alia, along the northern wall of the house, they are doing great, incl. fuchsia, begonias and Choisya. As complementary plants, they can be accompanied by deciduous plants such as laurel, ivy or Brazilian urticaria.

Long-term fertilizers are the best for potted plants.Unfortunately, during hot summer they lose their properties faster, so at the peak of the growing season, we should additionally feed them with liquid fertilizer every 2 weeksTo avoid the roots getting wet, the pots should be placed on their feet.

Shadow-loving plants

  • Hanging bulbous begonias impress with an abundance and size of flowers, as well as a long flowering period, and are irreplaceable in ampls.Light colored varieties are the most effective in shadowy sites.Begonias are planted from February to May, flowers appear from July to October.They are burned in the sun.
  • Carissa macrocarpa 'Emerald Carpet' is a plant that is relatively not widespread in home pot cultivation, and it is worth promoting due to its small edible fruit resembling plums, as well as inconspicuous white flowers that give off a sweet, jasmine scent. The fleshy fruit can be used to make delicious jellies. This variety grows up to 60 cm.
  • Cestrum elegans blooms continuously from summer to autumn, in partial shade positions.In cultivation, weekly fertilization and regular pruning of long shoots is necessary.
  • Fuchsia is available in many attractive varieties of various sizes and forms. Next to it is the luxuriantly blooming impatiens Valerian.
  • Cypress Cupressus macrocarpa (shade tolerant) should be subjected to a forming pruning 2-3 times per season.
  • Koleus, popularly known as Brazilian urticaria, is one of themost attractiveplants ornamentalleaves that can be proposed for growing in the shade.
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