In greenhouses, it is usually hot in summer, and then they need to be aired and shaded, while in winter they are cold and need to be warmed up.No matter what materials the greenhouse is made of, some heat losses are always unavoidable.Therefore, it is good to insulate the greenhouse.
The best 200 micrometer-thick, UV-resistant bubble foil is the best solution for this. several seasons.It can be attached in October and removed only in April.
The foil is attached to the profiles with clips.An air cushion is created between the foil and the greenhouse wall, which is a natural insulator. The location has a significant impact on the conditions in the greenhouse.It has been checked many times that the best places are sunny, sheltered from the wind, without trees.
Trees limit the inflow of sunlight, and in autumn they pollute the undergrowth with leaves. The risk of damage to the structure by a broken limb or a falling cap of frozen snow is also serious.Due to the direction of the winds blowing in Poland, the longer edge of the greenhouse should lie on the east-west line.Remember that a well-insulated and situated greenhouse is cheaper to maintain.
Even small, simple greenhouses or polytunnels are expensive.In order to save money, it is worth making a foil bookcase yourself.We will make its skeleton from a metal shelf, which we can buy at any DIY store.We assemble the door and the top flap from wooden slats, and place the elements on the hinges screwed to the shelf. We cover the frame, doors and flaps, as well as the vertical parts of the rack with Velcro tape.
After removing the top securing strip, glue the foil to the tape.Try to stretch it so that no wrinkles appear.Place the finished foil on a sheltered position, preferably close to the wall facing south. On frost-free days, the rack is aired.
The skeleton of a greenhouse is best assembled from ready-made profiles. Later, the glass structure is made of a special greenhouse glass or polycarbonate.Cell polycarbonate has good thermal parameters, which, between two walls, is filled with air.Diffusion glass begins to be installed in large plant production plants, which is characterized by a modified surface, thanks to which the light enters the greenhouse it is dispersed which ultimately translates into better yields.
An alternative to greenhouses are foil tunnels and frames.They have disadvantages, but you cannot forget about their advantages, incl. very competitive price, easy installation and the ability to quickly move from place to place.