Perennials for shadow rockeries

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Arisema Amurska Arisaema amurense
description:plant growing from 30 to 40 cm tall, has very interesting flowers in the form of a hood-like vagina with a bent tip, produces red fruit in the fall,
reproduction:from seeds sown immediately after maturation or in autumn, by separating the bulbous shoots,
flowering period:May and June,
requirements:quiet, semi-shaded or shaded position (tolerates even deep shadows well), requires soils rich in humus and organic ingredients,
frost resistance:insufficient, in winter it requires protection against frost (covering with conifers with twigs),

Chiastophyllum Chistophyllum oppositifolium
description:low evergreen perennial with decorative, thickened leaves and yellow flowers, reaching a height of 10 to 15 cm,
reproduction:in spring by dividing clumps, from July to August through cuttings rooted in the frame or by sowing seeds at the beginning of winter,
flowering period:July,
requirements:semi-shaded position, calcareous soils, tolerates short-term water shortages well,

Neapolitan Cyclamen Cyclamen hederifolium
description:plant with pink or white flowers and decorative, mosaic-discolored leaves, reaching a height of 10 to 15 cm,
reproduction:sowing seeds under cover or in a greenhouse,
flowering period:from August to the end of September and sometimes even longer,
requirements:warm, secluded and shady places, permeable soil, rich in calcium,
frost resistance:insufficient, the plant requires covering for the winter, sprinkle the ground around the tubers with ground pine bark,

Dąbrówka Rozłogowa Ajuga Reptans
description:semi-evergreen perennial flowering in the blue, at the ends of the above-ground runners, the plant forms leaf rosettes, which over time grow into wide clumps, reaching a height of up to 15 cm,
reproduction:in autumn by dividing clumps,
flowering period:May to August,
requirements:semi-shaded positions, fertile, humus soils,
frost resistance:average, zone 6
More: Dąbrówka rozłogowa - cultivation, varieties, reproduction

Blue Houstonia Houstonia caerulea
description:plant quickly growing into wide tufts with numerous small blue or white flowers, up to 15 cm high,
reproduction:by dividing clumps or sowing seeds in autumn,
flowering period:May,
requirements:semi-shaded to shady sites, tolerates even deep shade well, requires humus and moist soils, does not tolerate calcareous soils,
frost resistance:average, zone 6,

Jancea Jancaea Heldreichii
description:perennial with silver hairy, egg-shaped leaves, forming rosettes up to 10 cm in diameter, bell-shaped flowers, deeply indented, amethyst in color, set on thin stems,
reproduction:in spring by dividing multi-rosette specimens, propagation by seeds and leaf cuttings is not recommended for amateurs, as it is very difficult,
flowering period:May and June,
requirements:requires shaded places for most of the day, permeable and moist soils, leaves rot easily, therefore the plant must be protected against rainfall (it feels best in crevices under rock overhangs to prevent rainfall and sunlight),
frost resistance:insufficient, a good method is cultivation in openwork hollow vessels on a rockery, which we transfer to a cool greenhouse for the winter,

Lewisia cotyledon cotyledon
description:plant with thickened roots and fleshy leaves forming an evergreen rosette, white-pink flowers, up to 25 cm high,
reproduction:from seeds sown immediately after harvesting into pots,
flowering period:May to June,
requirements:semi-shaded position, humus soils, slightly acidic, permeable but rich in nutrients, avoid excessive soil moisture,
frost resistance:insufficient, requires frost protection in winter, it is best to cover it with coniferous twigs, which will also positively affect the acidity of the soil,

Double-flowered slipper Calceolaraia biflora
description:short (up to 10 cm high) perennial that forms rosettes of small, shiny leaves with mossy edges, one rosette can grow from 3 to 10 flower shoots, yellow flowers,
reproduction:by spontaneous sowing of seeds,
flowering period:May,
requirements:shaded places, moist soils, in excessively sunny places and on dry soils, the plant will not bloom and will not grow, especially in hot weather, regular watering is necessary,

Hepatica transsilvanica
description:plant with blue-violet flowers, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, and leaves decorating the plant sometimes also in winter, height 10 to 15 cm,
reproduction:by dividing clumps after flowering or in the period from August to September, you can also reproduce from seeds, which we sow immediately after harvest, they will sprout in spring,
flowering period:March to April,
requirements:semi-shaded position, humus soil, slightly moist,
frost resistance:sufficient, zone 5,
Hepatica - varieties, cultivation, reproduction

Ramonda Pyrenees Ramonda Myconi
description:dark green leaves, short hairy, wrinkled, gathered in flat rosettes with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm, five-petal blue-violet flowers, or white in the Alborosea variety,
reproduction:by division, you can also root single leaves, patient hobbyists may be tempted to reproduce by sowing seeds in glass-covered containers,
flowering period:May, June,
position:suitable for the northern, shady slopes of the rockery, humus soil, not acidified, it is worth choosing a place between two larger stones and placing the rosette diagonally in relation to the ground, which will prevent water stagnation at the base of the leaves,
frost resistance:quite resistant to frost, a cover made of fir twigs can be used as protection against drying winds or sun rays,

Tawułka single-leaved Astilbe simplicifolia
description:plant with jagged, dark green leaves, blooms white, you can also find varieties with bright red or pink flowers, it reaches a height of 20 to 25 cm, so it is much shorter than the more famous Arends tawułka
application:rockeries, perfect for planting over ponds,
reproduction:in early spring or autumn by dividing clumps,
flowering period:July,
requirements:shady and cool position, fertile, humus soil, this plant likes moisture and is very sensitive to overdrying,
frost resistance:requires covering, zone 7,

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