Gazania Gazania splendens
description:yellow, orange and carmine-brown flowers, two or three colors, closing on cloudy days, height 30 to 40 cm
application:for discounts, recommended for rock gardens and balconies
sowing seeds:February and March for a warm inspection, planting into the ground in May
flowering period:June to October
See: bigger photo
More: Shining Gazania - cultivation, wintering, varieties
Gipsówka (Łyszsczec) Gypsophila elegans
description:numerous, small flowers, white or carmine in color, diffuse inflorescences, height 40 to 50 cm
application:for flower beds and cut flowers, recommended as an addition to dry bouquets
sowing seeds:March to April to the inspection or to the ground in May
flowering period:June to September
Godetia grandiflora (Summer azalea) Godetia grandiflora
description:plant with branched, profusely leafy stems, azalea-like flowers, white or in shades of pink, with a velvety sheen, approx. 40 cm high,
application:discounts, borders, for containers and for cut flowers,
sowing seeds:April or May straight into the ground, after emergence, break the plants, leaving every 15 cm,
flowering period:June to September,
position:sunny, well-drained soil, light,
Gomfrea spherical Gomfrea globosa
description:plant strongly bushy, small flowers, gathered in apical heads and set on stalks 6 to 10 cm long, purple in color, there are also varieties with pink or white flowers , height up to 30 cm,
application:dwarf varieties are suitable for borders, for planting in rock gardens and in containers, tall varieties are grown as cut flowers for dry bouquets,
sowing seeds:March, April to the inspection, planting into the ground in mid-May,
flowering period:from July to autumn,
Imperial Carnation Dianthus imperialis
description:flowers of various colors, set on the top of a branched stem
application:for discounts, can be cut flower
sowing seeds:March, April to the inspection, planting into the ground in May
flowering period:July to October
Goździk Chabaud Dianthus caryoph. Chabaud
description:flowers large, full, multi-colored, strongly fragrant, height 40 to 50 cm
application:for flower beds and cut flowers
sowing seeds:February and March for a warm inspection, planting into the ground in May
flowering period:July to October
Chinese carnation Dianthus chinensis
description:multicolored flowers with a diameter of 3 to 4 cm, full or semi-double, they can be single-colored (white, pink, red, purple), or with a drawing on the petals, petals serrated at the edges, height about 40 cm
application:for flower beds, borders, rock gardens and cut flowers
sowing seeds:March, April to the inspection or in May to the ground
flowering period:July to October
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