Most ferns areperennial plants herbaceousthat have not developed flowers, so the largest of them it is decorated with leaves and a characteristic, rosette-like shape. The most common are ferns withleaves pinewood complex , but there are also species that are difficult to is classified asfernThey may have single leaves, such astongue ordinaryAsplenium scolopendrium, or e.g. four-leaf, like uMarseille water fernMarseillea.
Of those living today, approx. 10 thousand species of ferns, only 50 of them grow in Poland. Due towinter hardinessthey are very well suited for growing in our gardens. In addition to native ferns, numerous species of foreign origin can also be cultivated in the gardens,mainly from Asia
Most of the species grown here thrive best inlight filteredbycrowntreesand tolerates a deep shade that no other can tolerateperennialsYou should start your fern adventure with easy-to-grow species, e.g.adiantum stopowategoAdiantum pedatum,podrzenia ribowcaBlechnum spicant,fernCystopteris,narecznicy broadleafDryopteris dilatata andmaleD. filix-mas, plume ostrichandfern christmasPolystichum acrostichoides ibristle-toothedP.setiferum.
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Paprotnica / Cystopteris (Photo: |
Ferns are perfect for creating perennial beds. Most often they are shadowy and damp cornersof the garden ,among trees ,shrubs andother bylinundergrowth of the forest. Among trees and shrubs, a good neighborhood for ferns, due to similar ecological requirements, are shrubs alwaysgreen , especiallyrhododendronsfeel bad in the company of trees with a shallow and expansive root system, such aspoplars ,birches ,ash treesandlilaki
Different species of ferns can be juxtaposed to createcontrasts silhouettes , drawing leaves and colors.Among them, you can choose small species growing only 10-15 cm, but also species with impressive growth, reaching even 100 cm in height. Due to thelanceolate , unusual for fern leaves, a valuable addition in such combinations is always the common tongue oradiantum alloyedwith leaves built onshape umbrella
Growing ferns
Most ferns prefer slightly acidic or acidic soils with a high humus content, well-drained and well-drained. Strongly acidic soil is liked by the royal fern, the common fern, the foxtail and the sensitive onoclea. Alkaline soil requires alkaline soil, common tongue, thin Robert and brittle fern. All ferns require a moist substrate. Several years old, well-rooted plants can withstand periodic water shortages, but no fern can withstand prolonged drought.
Retaining moisture in the soil will facilitate mulching with composted pine bark or sawdust from coniferous trees.Always green species should be planted in warm and sheltered places to protect them from drying cold winds. It is also worth protecting them during large temperature drops.
On the other hand, in colorful compositions it is worth plantinglounge JapaneseAthyrium niponicum Pictum ’with unique, richly colored leaves. Regardless of the structure of the leaves, ferns go well with other perennials with decorative leaves. Thanks to such different leaves, they look great combined withfunki , but also with rodgers and bergenia. It is good to spice up such compositions with flowering perennials -tawułkami ,parzydłem ,digitalis ,tojadamiorbedbugA combination of small bulbous plants, such assnowdropsandblizzards is also worth recommending. , with ferns with highly arranged seasonal leaves that will cover the yellowing leaves of the onion in late spring.
The ferns look especially presentable by the water. Species with always green leaves are valuable in garden compositions: common tongue, sprouting, somefangs , e.g.greenAsplenium viride,skalnaAsplenium trichomanes ormocnaAsplenium affinis.
Some small tall ferns are suitable for rock gardens. They feel best in the shaded parts ofgarden rockyor on walls and stone stepsstairsandpathsSome grow well even in sunny places, not exposed to direct sunlight inhours noonParticular attention should be paid to selection of species in terms of soil pH requirements. Species preferring acidic substrates, such as irrigation -ribsandseaside ,adiantum alloyedlow variety ' Subpumilum ',lounge alpineAthyrium distentifolium orrecess javelinPhegopteris connectilis can be planted in sandstone and granite gardens.
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Paprotnica / Cystopteris (Photo: |
Ferns, which prefer alkaline soils, do well among limestone rocks. These include, among otherstongue ordinary ,thin Robertaifern fragile ,zanokcice- rocky and green or full of charmspleenskalnaCeterach officinarum.