Zamiokulkas zamioculcas zamiifolia - cultivation, care, flower, reproduction


  1. Zamiokulkas - silhouette
  2. Job title
  3. Zamiokulkas- irrigation
  4. Fertilization
  5. Transplanting zamiokulkas
  6. zamiokulkasa flower - what does it look like?
  7. Protection
  8. Reproduction of zamiokulkas

More about the plant below:

Zamiokulkas zamiolistny (zamioculcas zamiifolia)

category : potted

position : partial shade

height : up to 1 m

wintering : room, 18-20 C

reaction soil : slightly acidic

preferences soil : loose, well-drained, sandy; e.g. cactus substrate

watering : moderate

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : white-yellow

shape : raised, tufted

period flowering : different seasons, rarely

seed : -

reproduction:leaf cuttings, division

persistence leaves : evergreen

application : rooms

pace of growth : fast

Zamiokulkas - silhouette

This interesting potted plant has been known to growers for a long time, but only in recent years has it begun to be cultivated on a mass scale. It won recognition with elegance, low cultivation requirements and durability.It is even said to be an ideal plant for beginners.

If you are looking for proven and ecological remedies for pests, diseases and plant slurries, we recommend:

Stand for zamiokulkas

Zamiokulkas likes bright places, albeit not sunny. It can also be grown in shady places, but in such conditions it grows slower, and moreover, it dyes the leaves dark green.As a species from hot Africa, it tolerates heat better than cold.In winter, the temperature in the place where it is grown should not fall below 16 ° C.

Zamiokulkas - irrigation

Zamiokulkas is used to living in dry conditions, so it can withstand even longer interruptions in watering without harm.Even if it dries completely, after watering, it regenerates, sprouting young shoots from the tubers.It reacts much worse to root overflow, so in winter we water it at greater intervals and not so abundantly.

Fertilization of the zamiokulkasa

Zamiokulkasa is fed every 2-3 weeks with fertilizer for green plants or nutrient solution in late April until September.Fertilize it every 4 weeks in shaded positions, as well as in winter cultivation.It is not a very demanding plant when it comes to food. It is important to systematically supply it with fertilizers, which will allow for faster and proper growth of green mass. With proper care, leaves and stems will be lush green and shiny. Do not exceed the permitted dose of fertilizer or nutrients - otherwise we will get the opposite effect to the intended one.

Zamiokulkas - transplanting

Repotting is necessary only when the root growth threatens to burst the pot.

zamiokulkasa flower - what does it look like?

The flower of the zamiokulkas of the fly has a cob-shaped shape on short inflorescence shoots. If you look closely, the surface of the buttstock is rippled, creating a pattern of hearts that bulge upwards. They reach a height of about 20 cm. there are female flowers on the cylindrical section, while male flowers can be seen on the upper and club-shaped section. The zamiokulkasa flower is not a unique ornament, but when it appears in a flowering plant, it is a sign of flawless care.

Protection - zamiokulkas

Yellowing of the leaves indicates root overflow.Diseases and pests do not pose a serious threat to plants.

Zamiokulkas - reproduction

The plant can be propagated by rooting leaf cuttings. When starting the process, gently squeeze one to several leaves. Then we soak the torn off edge in the rooting agent so that the entire torn surface is covered with it. Put the prepared leaf into the ground about 2 cm deep and press it lightly. If we want the seedling to be in good condition, it is worth protecting it. The rooting process takes place for about 10-12 months - after this period the first roots will be visible.

Another way to reproduce is to divide the zamiokulkasa gooseberry rhizome. Gently take the plant out of the pot and separate the rhizome in your hands so as not to damage the root system as much as possible. Put drainage in the pot, and then a layer of fertile substrate. Put the divided rhizomes into two pots and press them lightly. Cover it with a layer of soil and press it down again.

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