Universal swing

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My whole family likes to relax in the garden. So we decided to build a swing that we can use regardless of age. The main builder of it was my father, who developed the project and collected the necessary materials for its implementation.


Work on it lasted two days. First, it was necessary to join together 3 pairs of punches to create the so-called legs. At the top, they were joined together using one more, the largest punch. When the swing frame was ready, it had to be leveled and fixed in the ground. Next, two benches were created - a smaller one for children and a larger one for adults.Then it was possible to drill holes for the handles that would hold the chains. It required meticulous calculations and measurements to keep the swings hanging straight. However, everything went smoothly.

Our building only needed to be painted with a protective varnish. Dad would have done it the same day if … he hadn't run out of impregnation. And that's why the carpentry and assembly work took us two days.

The swing has attracted a lot of attention for the last season. She brought joy to children, as well as their parents and grandparents.

Piotr Gębala

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