Kalatea (ostrzeszyn) Calathea belongs to the Marantacea family and is represented by numerous species and varieties. Plants of this genus come from tropical regions of South America and Africa.They are valued for their beautiful leaves, which have a different pattern (pattern on the leaf plate), shape and size, depending on the species and variety.Some species create original flowers.
Plants are grown to decorate rooms, but only in some apartments will they feel comfortable. In which?Warm, humid places, where they will be well lit with diffused light (the harsh sun causes damage to the leaves).
They have an air temperature of 23-25 ° C, which should not fall below 15 ° C, also in winter. Therefore, in winter, when airing the rooms, we must protect them from the cool breeze. They require a permeable, constantly slightly moist substrate.
Both the excess of water and the drying of the substrate are equally dangerous, because they lead to leaf dieback.Soft, lukewarm water is best for watering and sprinkling, and a weak solution for feeding multi-component fertilizer for potted plants (more diluted than specified in the fertilizer manufacturer's recommendations), which we deliver to plants every 4 weeks in spring and summer.